2025 Clinician Academy
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Learning the Fundamentals groundwork and riding exercises to establish a partnership with your horse is just the start of the fun you can have together! When a horse and rider are confident in the arena, Clinton encourages them to apply their knowledge on the trail.
“Riding outside the confines of an arena just makes a horse an all-around better mount. It challenges everything you’ve taught him in the arena – how to stay soft and trust you as a leader,” Clinton says.
However, while riding on the trail is fun and adds a new dimension to your training, it’s important to introduce trail riding to your horse in a safe, positive manner. That’s why Clinton created the Fundamentals on the Trail Series. The in-depth training kit covers every aspect of training a confident, fun trail partner, from the basics your horse should know before attempting trail riding to exercises to do on the trail and common problems and fixes that are likely to come up.
The Fundamentals on the Trail Series is available to premium No Worries Club members as part of their membership benefits. The training kit can also be purchased from the Downunder Horsemanship e-store. Check out these sneak peek from the series.