At Walkabout Tours, Clinton holds nothing back. He shares the ultimate goal of horsemanship with his personal horses and explains the training process, right from the start, by working with local problem horses. Step-by-step, he demonstrates how his training method helps real horses with real problems get real results. Whether you ride English or western or are a serious competitor or love to hit the trails, learn how Clinton uses the Method to develop respectful and safe horses. From problem horses and learning to build your confidence to advanced riding techniques and trick training, the weekend offers something for every level of horseman.

Walkabout Tour Schedule
We inspire the dreams of horsemen, and there’s no better venue to experience the innovation, inspiration and instruction Clinton and Downunder Horsemanship have to offer than at a Walkabout Tour.
2025 Walkabout TourHarrisburg, PA
July 12 - July 13Location
PA Farm Show Complex and Expo Center 2300 North Cameron Street Harrisburg, PA 17110 -
2025 Walkabout Tour (Waterloo, IA)
September 6 - September 7Location
National Cattle Congress Fairground 257 Ansborough Ave Waterloo, IA 50701

Walkabout Tour Program
Each Walkabout Tour guarantees two full days of Clinton and the Method at their best. Over the course of the weekend, Clinton explains step-by-step how to start and refine his method of horsemanship, demonstrates how to fix common behavioral problems and inspires you to work towards your horsemanship goals.
Doors Open for No Worries Club Members
Doors Open for the General Public
- 11:30
Colt Starting, Part One
Debunk traditional colt-starting techniques and learn how to prepare a horse for a safe first ride as Clinton steps you through his colt-starting method.
- 12:30
Grab a bite to eat and view product demonstrations by our product education specialists in the retail area.
- 2:00
Training on the Trail
A dependable, safe trail horse doesn’t happen by accident. Learn key exercises to train your horse to be a partner you can rely on, no matter what situation arises on the trail. Clinton works with two horses with varying degrees of training and ability in this must-see demo.
- 2:45
Visit the retail area for demonstrations on how to properly use and apply quality products designed specifically for you.
- 3:45
Gaining Respect and Control on the Ground, Part One
Meet two horses that prove to be handfuls for their owners with their lazy and unmotivated demeanor or their reactive and spooky nature. While his Professional Clinicians work with the horses on the ground to gain their respect and trust, Clinton steps you through the training process.
- 5:15
Training a Performance Horse
Clinton works with his up-and-coming performance horses to share how he uses the foundation the Method provides to train an equine athlete for a specific discipline. The demo is as much instructional as it is inspirational.
Doors Open for No Worries Club Members
Doors Open for the General Public
- 10:30
Colt Starting, Part Two
The first several rides you put on a horse are crucial. How well or poorly they go sets the foundation for the rest of his career. In this demonstration, Clinton shares how to continue progressing with your horse to build his confidence and set him up for a lifetime of success.
- 11:00
Visit the retail area for demonstrations on how to properly use and apply quality products designed specifically for you.
- 12:00
Gaining Respect and Control on the Ground, Part Two
The two horses from yesterday’s groundwork session are invited back to the arena. Clinton and his Professional Clinicians continue to progress the horses’ training, gaining more respect and control as they teach the horses a variety of groundwork exercises.
- 12:30
Ritchie Charity Ball Toss
At each Walkabout Tour, a local organization with equine connections is selected to run the Ritchie Charity Ball Toss. Throughout the two-day event, spectators purchase tennis balls from the non-profit organization for $5, and on Sunday afternoon toss them into the arena trying to be the closest to a pre-determined marker. Those closest to the marker receive Clinton’s instructional DVDs and Downunder Horsemanship training tools. All money raised goes straight to the non-profit organization.
- 1:30
Grab a bite to eat, and view product demonstrations by our product education specialists in the retail area.
- 2:45
Riding With Confidence
Clinton brings the two horses used in the Gaining Respect and Control on the Ground demonstration back into the arena. This time, his Professional Clinicians work with the horses under saddle. The training session will give you pointers to apply to your own horsemanship to get your horse tuned in to you and riding with confidence.
- 3:30
Visit the retail area for demonstrations on how to properly use and apply quality products designed specifically for you.
- 4:45
Trouble-Free Trailer Loading
A master teacher, Clinton knows that sometimes the best way to teach someone is to first show them what NOT to do. Clinton will have you laughing as you watch him go through all the “don’ts” of loading your horse on a trailer. Despite its humor, this demonstration will open your eyes and advance your horsemanship education. Demonstrating with a local horse that is fearful of the trailer, Clinton not only teaches the horse to confidently step on the trailer, but by the end of the demo, he has the horse loading on the trailer by itself. With Clinton’s techniques, the trailer becomes a place of security rather than fear.