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by Developer Services

Now Available: The Trail Riding Kit

The much anticipated Fundamentals In Action on the Trail kit is now available to help you train your horse to be the best trail-riding partner! The comprehensive kit features 10 instruction-packed DVDs and two hardcover books. The series is meant to act as a supplement to Clinton’s acclaimed Fundamentals Series and covers every trail-training topic imaginable.

What You’ll Learn:

Foundation First

Once you’ve taken your horse through the Fundamentals level of the Method, you’re ready to take your passion outside the arena. Clinton’s made the transition from riding within the confines of a controlled environment to negotiating the most challenging trail situations with your horse a step-by-step process that will increase your horsemanship skills and strengthen the partnership you share with your horse. There are no shortcuts to training a reliable trail horse, but Clinton makes the journey simple and fun. The first part of the series focuses on selecting a suitable trail partner and establishing a foundation of respect and control outside the arena.

Topics include:

  • A surefire plan to select a horse that fits your needs
  • What you and your horse should know before hitting the trail
  • Foundation trail exercises to give you control of your horse and increase his confidence

Supreme Partnership
Once you have the same control, respect and willingness from your horse on the trail as you do in the arena, Clinton will show you how to train your horse to be a reliable, safe partner, no matter what the trail offers.

Topics include:

  • How to introduce and teach your horse to negotiate any obstacle on the most challenging of trails, including water crossings, hills and bridges
  • Troubleshoot common problems that crop up on the trail, such as barn-sour, rearing and bolting
  • Introduce your horse to group riding and fixes for such problems as buddy-sour and jigging

Get detailed information about the new series, including sample chapters from the books and lessons from the DVDs at

Special bonus: During the next week, when you purchase Fundamentals in Action on the Trail, you’ll have the option of purchasing a Ranch Rally ticket at half price!

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Developer Services