For the past 20 years, Clinton Anderson from Downunder Horsemanship has devoted his life to creating the best training tools and videos available to help train your horse, regardless of their problem. He believes that it’s training the owners that poses a real issue. Join him as he tackles some of the most challenging situations with problem horses and with problem owners. This week, Clinton explains the purpose of using bell boots on your horse.
During this episode, Clinton answers another question from one of his viewers. This week Dan in Utah wanted to learn more about the purpose of using bell boots.
Bell boots are a type of horse boots that are used to protect the horse’s hooves and heels. Clinton explains that these provide extra protection around the bulb of your horse’s foot. Bell boots are often called overreach boots, as they help reduce the occurrence of overreaching, which is when your horse hits the front heels with the toes of his back feet.
Clinton explains that sometimes the horse will overreach with a back leg, reach up, and step on their bulb of the front heel. This occurrence can actually be quite painful for the horse, which is why bell boots are recommended if they continue having this problem. Some horses are more prone overreach when walking or riding, so it’s a good idea to keep an eye on their feet when you’re training them. The bell boots are used to reduce injury when a horse overreaches. They have double Velcro on them, making them extremely secure. Bell boots also have a little molded shape at the back, allowing them to fit perfectly into the back of the horse’s foot.
Clinton goes on show us how to put them on your horse. He says that you need to always have them on so that the Velcro goes to the outside. This gives them the extra padding necessary to reduce injury in the back of the heel. When your horse is wearing bell boots and oversteps, whether he’s turned around, stopping, or turning and stepping up, he’ll be protected. Instead of his feet cutting into the back of his bulb, the boot will offer him protection. The Dy-No Turn Bell Boots from Downunder Horsemanship work great in conjunction with the Classic Legacy System Front Boots, as they provide your horse with comprehensive protection and comfort. Remember, your horse’s legs need to be protected and taken care of because if there are no working legs, there’s no working horse. The more you protect them, the better shape you’re in.
For the past 20 years, Clinton Anderson has devoted his time to creating the best training tools and videos available to horsemen all over the world. Unfortunately, you can’t bring your TV into the arena to watch them. That’s why Clinton and his team have been hard at work developing a new platform to deliver the training in a whole new way, a way that brings 20 years of horsemanship and puts it in the palm of your hand. Today, you can enjoy the mobile method and receive everything at the touch of a finger.
This comprehensive training program will streamline your journey to becoming a great horseman. Gain access to all of the training material through three different levels by joining our No Worries Club. If you want the ultimate experience, the premium membership is for you. You get all the benefits of the No Worries Club, a printed copy of our No Worries Club quarterly journal, and access to all of the method and the professional series kit training videos. Altogether, that’s thousands of dollars of horse training, and 20 years of horsemanship delivered right to your fingertips. Our new mobile method is the easiest and most effective way to deliver the maximum amount of knowledge at a minimal cost and time commitment. And with the new No Worries Club, you can be assured you’re going to get exactly what you need at a price that’s right for you. It’s a free download, so, what are you waiting for? Get started today.
To learn more about the Clinton Anderson training method, become a member of the No Worries Club, or to get information on any of the products seen on our show, head over to our homepage and download the Downunder Horsemanship app today!

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