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The Most Inspiring Two Days of the Year

If you’re a serious horseman and enjoy using the Method to train your horses, the Ranch Rally is the ultimate getaway. The two-day event is dedicated to learning advanced training techniques beyond what you see Clinton normally demonstrate at his Walkabout Tours and clinics. You’ll learn his step-by-step process for starting colts, how to introduce and work a variety of horses over obstacles, take the knowledge you’ve learned from the Fundamentals Series and apply it on the trail, how to use the foundation the Method provides to train performance horses in specific disciplines, such as reining and cow work, and the ins and outs of liberty and trick training. So much knowledge is shared that it’ll be nearly impossible to remember it all!

Along with the in-depth training information, you’ll take a tour of the ranch, meet Clinton’s personal horses and study the layout of the arenas, obstacle course and barns as well as visit with the professionals he trusts his horses’ care to, including his ranch manager, nutritionists and veterinarian.

The last day of the Rally caps off with a huge party complete with a bonfire and live band! You’ll spend two days with others who are just as passionate about horsemanship and the Method as you are and receive VIP treatment from Clinton and the Downunder Horsemanship team. We can’t wait to welcome you to the ranch! Get your tickets now before they’re gone — only 750 horsemen will get through the gates for this yearly bash. Learn more about the Ranch Rally on our website.

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Developer Services