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by Developer Services

We’re in Memphis This Weekend

Clinton will be working with local horses while educating horsemen in the Tennessee area Saturday and Sunday at the Walkabout Tour being held at the ShowPlace Arena in Memphis. The local horses each have behavioral problems and were submitted by their owners for Clinton to train during the event. Each horse has his own set of problems that range from being spooky to being dangerous under saddle. Throughout the weekend, Clinton will work with each horse and explain the steps he’s taking to re-educate the animals so that horsemen in attendance can get the same results with their horses at home. For added inspiration, the clinician will also work with Diez, his personal horse, to showcase what can be achieved with advanced training techniques.

Besides providing a great learning opportunity, the tour will also help the Southern District 4-H Horse Club raise money for its program, which has been helping kids learn horsemanship since 1970. At each tour Clinton and feature sponsor Ritchie Industries team up to help a local nonprofit organization raise money for their cause through the Ritchie Ball Charity Toss, so be sure to visit with the Southern District 4-H Horse Club and purchase a tennis ball or two for your chance to win incredible prizes including a complete collection of Clinton’s DVDs, a mecate set and more!

Tickets are still available for the tour and can be purchased at the facility. Get a daily schedule of the event on our website.

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Developer Services