2025 Clinician Academy
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Q: How do I fit my horse into my busy schedule? I work 10-hour shifts, often doing additional work after hours. On my days off, I often find myself catching up on things I could not do during the work week, such as basic house/yard work. I board my horse as well, making it all the more difficult. What are my options? – Shannon W.
A: Finding time for horses can be difficult, especially when you have family and work commitments. Horses are just like kids, they learn best with consistency and repetition. The more often you can work with your horse, the quicker he’ll learn and remember lessons.
You have to set priorities. There are only so many hours in a day and only so many things you can do, so you have to prioritize what you really want to do and what you have to do. I’m no different. For example, when I teach a clinic, I instruct 30 participants from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and I also have to ride my reining and cow horses as well. To accomplish all that, I get up at 3 a.m. and ride before the clinic starts and ride again during the clinic’s lunch break. I don’t, however, have time to work out for 45 minutes like I usually do. I really enjoy working out and it’s important to me, but I have to give something up. Plain and simple, I can’t do it all. Sometimes, during clinics, I only get two of my four horses worked a day, but I still made the effort to get what I could done.
My mentor Ian Francis often said to me, “If you want something bad enough you will find a way, if you don’t you will find an excuse.” Honestly, that’s what it comes down to when deciding where horses fit in your life. If your horses and developing your skills as a horseman are important to you, you’ll find a way to enjoy them, spend time training them and bettering yourself. If they’re not important, then you’ll think of a million excuses to not be out at the barn. That’s the simple truth. Ultimately, finding time to work with your horses and becoming a knowledgeable horseman is up to you.