Since Clinton offered the opportunity to consult with him a couple of years ago, horsemen around the world have been taking advantage of the opportunity. The private phone calls have touched on a variety of topics, from saddle fit and picking out a horse to barn lay out and the best way to go about […]
Last year, Clinton asked the Downunder Horsemanship team to create roo-logoed face masks for Method followers to purchase. The only catch? He wanted all profits made from the masks to go to St.
Clinton and the ranch team made their move to the new ranch located in Farmington, Arkansas last Thursday. Moving the performance horse program to the new facility has been a meticulous process as bits and pieces of the operation have moved over the course of the last few months. The final trip went smoothly, and […]
The National Reined Cow Horse Association Futurity is the biggest show of the year for 3-year-old reined cow horses. The 2020 event started in mid-October and wrapped up last week with finals being held on Friday and Saturday. Clinton and Hulk (aka Dontdrinkandworkcows) made the Intermediate and Limited Open Finals. When the dust settled, the […]
Clinton and Hulk Score Big in the NRCHA Snaffle Bit Futurity Rein Work Prelims
The National Reined Cow Horse Association’s Snaffle Bit Futurity kicked off last week with the Rein Work preliminaries. On Saturday, Clinton and Hulk put in a phenomenal run, earning a 221. The score tied them for first-place honors in the Limited Open, as well as tied them for second place in the Intermediate Open and […]
The Downunder Horsemanship Ranch in Stephenville, Texas is changing hands. Clinton initially offered the iconic facility for sale in 2018 when he made the decision to switch his career focus to training and showing performance horses. This winter, he teamed up with Bell & Bradford, LLC to sell the ranch. The property was divided into […]
Early last week, Clinton visited Farmington, Arkansas to check out the construction of the new ranch and meet with the project’s contractors. “It’s coming along great, and I’m getting more and more excited to see the completed project,” Clinton says. “I thought you’d all like to see the progress that’s being made, too.” […]
Free Public Colt Starting Demonstration at the Ranch
Next month, Clinton is opening the gates of the Downunder Horsemanship Ranch and inviting the public to watch an in-depth colt starting demonstration. The free training seminar, held on Saturday, April 18th, will be followed by a real estate auction. The gates to the ranch will open at 8 a.m., and the colt starting demonstration […]
Wanted: Colt for Stephenville, Texas Training Demonstration
Clinton is inviting horsemen to the Downunder Horsemanship Ranch next month to watch a free colt starting demonstration, and we’re looking for an unstarted colt for him to work with during the April 18th event. The ideal horse is between the ages of 2 and 10 and has never been saddled or ridden. During the […]
Fundamentals Series Update Filming: Students Needed
A few months ago, we shared with you that because Clinton is always adding to his knowledge and finding ways to improve the Method, we’re working on adding some updates to the Fundamentals Series. We also asked you for any suggestions you might have to improve the series, and based on Clinton’s tweaks and your […]