Training Tip: Successfully Introduce an Obstacle to Your Horse
When you introduce your horse to an obstacle—a log on the ground, a puddle of water, a gulley, the trailer, etc.—the first step is to build the horse’s confidence around the object by sending him between you and it on all four sides of the object. It’s a little test: If you can’t get your […]
Question: What recommendation can you give me to work with a Paso Fino horse? Answer: When we take horses in for training, we treat them all the same. All horses need the same basic foundation, which is covered in the Fundamentals Series and progresses through the Intermediate and Advanced Series. Once a horse is trained […]
Training Tip: Get Out of the Concept Stage of Training With Your Horse
Once your horse understands what you’re asking of him, enter the “do it now” stage of training. When you first teach a horse something, it’s called the concept lesson. In the concept lesson, your goal is to get the general idea of the lesson across to the horse. For example, if you’re teaching your horse […]
Training Tip: Don’t Hang Out in a Shade of Gray With Your Horse
Be black or white with your horse. He’s either responding correctly or he’s not. Don’t be wishy-washy with him or inconsistent about what you consider acceptable and unacceptable.
Training Tip: Get Quick About Reading What Your Horse Needs in the Moment
Good horsemen are always reading their horses and making adjustments according to what the horse needs to succeed in any particular moment. This tip has two parts to it. The first part is for people who go into training sessions fixated on working on one or two particular exercises and focus solely on the exercise […]
When it comes to ensuring a good start for a horse that sets the foundation for a successful career, how the first saddling goes is vital. If done correctly, it builds the horse’s confidence and sets him up for a successful career. If things go wrong, it can set his progress back a lot. “Plus,” […]
Training Tip: Build Your Horse’s Foundation at Home
When you change environments with your horse, meaning you take him to a new arena, haul him to a horse show or take him to a trail—anywhere you don’t normally ride him—you change horses. While your horse may be calm, quiet and obedient in your normal riding environment, when you take him away from home, […]
Training Tip: Practice Builds Confidence at the Canter
If your confidence abandons you when it comes to cantering, don’t fear! You’re not alone and your feelings are completely normal. I was leery of cantering when I first started riding horses, too.
Training Tip: Can You Teach an Older Horse to Neck Rein?
Question: I have a 13-year-old gelding that I am wondering about teaching to neck rein. He has been direct reined all his life. Do you think it is too late to teach him?
Training Tip: Canter With Confidence: Get Experienced Help
It takes consistent practice to get comfortable riding your horse and gain confidence in the saddle. However, it’s important you’re paired with the right horse, meaning the horse is well-trained and wants to help you learn. This tip in our cantering with confidence series is all about not being afraid to ask for help if […]