Training Tip: How to Safely Handle Your Horse Spooking
When your horse spooks at something, put his energy to good use. If it’s an object you can ride around, circle your horse as close as you can to it, and every one and half circles, turn him into the object and head off in the new direction. Horses can only think about one thing […]
While the Method works on all types of horses, every horse will require you to vary your approach slightly. I break horses into two broad groups – hot-blooded horses and cold-blooded horses. Cold-blooded horses are generally docile, laid back and relaxed. This category is made up of most draft breeds and some bloodlines of Quarter […]
While the Method works on all types of horses, every horse will require you to vary your approach slightly. I break horses into two broad groups – hot-blooded horses and cold-blooded horses. Breeds like Arabians, Thoroughbreds and some bloodlines of Quarter Horses tend to be hot-blooded.
For a horse to be textbook correct when spinning, he should plant his inside hind foot. Horses that tend to plant their outside hind foot do so because they’re sucking back too much. While it’s generally a good thing to have a horse thinking “get back,” in this case, you want to get forward on […]
Training Tip: Don’t Try to Conquer the Grand Canyon on Your Horse’s First Trail Ride
The ideal location for first taking a horse outside is a long dirt road because it gives you plenty of room to move the horse forward and it gives him a straight line to follow. Beyond that, you need room to move the horse’s feet, meaning you can bend him down in circles to soften […]
Training Tip: Know When to Retreat When Building Your Horse’s Confidence
Whenever you desensitize your horse to an object, use the Approach and Retreat Method. Build the horse’s confidence by approaching him with the object that scares him and then retreating (taking the object away) when he stands still and relaxes. The number one rule to remember when using the Approach and Retreat Method is to […]
Training Tip: The Key to Achieving Vertical Flexion With Your Horse
Everybody wants their horse to be soft in their hands and tuck his nose in vertically. I know I want my horses to be light and collected more than anybody. But before you can ask your horse to soften vertically using both reins, you have to teach him to soften laterally using one rein at […]
Training Tip: Horse Tuning You Out? Get Him Dialed in Right From the Start
You can stop your horse from tuning you out by keeping him engaged with you. You do that by moving his feet forwards, backwards, left and right. When you start a training session, you should have a set plan about what you want to accomplish with your horse.
Training Tip: Don’t Give Mixed Signals When Asking Your Horse to Go Forward
One of the biggest culprits of why horses refuse to go forward and have sticky gas pedals is their riders giving them mixed signals. They cue their horse to walk forward, but at the same time, they have a death grip on the reins, pulling the horse’s lips back to his chest. The horse has […]
Training Tip: Don’t Get Greedy When Training Your Horse
Your first order of business when you’re teaching your horse anything new is to establish a starting point. If you’re teaching your horse to sidepass, for example, that means getting one or two correct steps from your horse when you cue him to move laterally. Don’t get greedy and ask for 20 steps right away. […]