Training Tip: Handling a Horse That Refuses to Go Into the Arena
When you’re working with an arena-sour horse, don’t think, “How can I make the horse get in the arena?” Think, “How can I make it uncomfortable for him not to go in the arena?” You’ll do that by working the horse where he wants to be (outside the arena) and letting him rest where you […]
I’m a learn-a-holic and proud of it. I’m always looking for ways to become a better horseman and increase my horses’ performance. If another trainer can show me a technique that’s better than what I’m doing, I use it! However, just because a technique works well for one individual doesn’t mean that it’s well-suited for […]
Training Tip: When Your Horse Won’t Leave the Arena Gate
At some point or other, almost all horses develop a magnet to the arena gate. To deter your horse from hanging out at the gate, make being next to the gate feel uncomfortable to him. Right now, your horse is attracted to the gate because he knows that’s how he gets out of the arena […]
The spin is something that’s difficult to teach horses because it’s very much like a seesaw. Every day, depending on the way the wind is blowing, a seesaw is tilted one way or the other. It rarely stays the same day in and day out.
Q: My horse, a 4-year-old Missouri Fox Trotter, gives quite well when asked for vertical flexion at the standstill, walk and trot. However, when I put him on a loose rein, his head and neck come up more often than not. I’ve heard you say that if a horse’s poll is above the saddle horn, […]
Before making the decision to use spurs when training your horse, you should have a secure, independent seat. That means that you can confidently walk, trot and canter on a loose rein without holding on to the saddle horn or gripping the horse’s sides with your legs. Spurs on an inexperienced rider can lead to […]
Training Tip: Back Circles to Improve Your Horse’s Overall Performance
A large part of training performance horses focuses on ensuring your horse’s entire body, from his nose to his tail, is soft and supple. You should be able to move any part of his body off a feather-light touch. If you can’t shape your horse for a maneuver, there’s no hope that he’ll be able […]
Q: I have a 4-year-old Quarter Horse filly. When I approach her with the grain bowl, her ears go flat back. If I walk away with it, her ears come back up.
Training Tip: Broaden Your Young Horse’s Education
If you’re like a lot of people, you may not know what to do with your young horse from when you weaned him until he’s ready to start under saddle. You’ve taught your foal all of the exercises in the Foal Training Series, and now you’re not sure what more you can do with him […]
Q: My mare has become very aggressive about protecting her foal to the point that she’s lunged at me and bitten my shoulder. Before the foal, she was a gentle mare. Will she begin to lose her aggression?