Training Tip: The Lightest Amount of Pressure Possible
No matter what you’re asking a horse to do you must always ask with the lightest amount of pressure possible. Even if you know the horse isn’t going to respond correctly at first, you still need to give him the benefit of the doubt by asking lightly. If he ignores you, then you’ll gradually increase […]
Goal: To move the horse forward on a loose rein at any gait, then pick up on the reins with the lightest degree of pressure, causing the horse to immediately come to a complete stop and soften vertically to the bit. Why it’s important: Most horses’ first reaction when you pick up on two reins […]
Training Tip: Why and When I Introduce Spurs to My Horses
When I start a horse under saddle, my first two goals are to establish a gas pedal and a brake. A gas pedal refers to the horse increasing his speed as soon as you gently squeeze his sides with the calves of your legs and maintaining that speed until you cue him otherwise. If a […]
Q: I have an 8-year-old Quarter Horse mare that barely moves. She is cutting bred and is very athletic, but she drags her hind feet and if I’m not constantly pushing her on, she walks and trots at a turtle’s pace and will break down to the trot from the canter. I try to use […]
Training Tip: Be a Detective: Is Your Horse Better Today Than He was Yesterday?
Every time you work with your horse, you should act like a detective, trying to figure out where your horse has any holes in his foundation. One question you should ask yourself during each training session is: Is he better today than he was yesterday? Every time you work with your horse, you’re looking for […]
Goal: To get the horse to stop from all three gaits when you say the word “whoa” without having to use the reins. You want your horse to act like there’s an imaginary cliff in front of him and if he takes one more step after you say “whoa,” he’s going to fall off the […]
Training Tip: Ask Clinton: Horse Doesn’t Trailer Well
Q: I have a 5-year-old ex-racehorse that I have been retraining since he was 3. He has been hauled thousands of miles all over the country for trail riding. In the past six months, he has started to throw his body, all 1,300 pounds, into the wall of the trailer while it’s moving down the […]
Be a Detective: Is There a Crack in Your Horse’s Foundation?
Every time you work with your horse, you should act like a detective, trying to figure out where your horse has any holes in his foundation. One question you should ask yourself during each training session is: Is there a crack in the foundation? Invariably, as you progress your horse’s training, you’ll happen upon an […]
Before putting a bit in a colt’s mouth for the first time, desensitize him to it to take away any defensiveness he might have about the new piece of equipment. The biggest mistake people make when trying to put the bridle on for the first time is a lack of preparation. Too often, the colt […]
Training Tip: Ask Clinton: Horse is Afraid of Clippers
Q: My 6-year-old Quarter Horse is afraid of the clippers by his ears. How do I teach him to accept the clippers and let me clip his ears? – desalenatallman2002 A: You’ll use the Approach and Retreat Method to desensitize your horse to first your bare hands moving around his head and then to the […]