All riding maneuvers you do with your horse can be broken into two categories: impulsion exercises and suppling exercises. Impulsion exercises focus on getting the horse to move forward. These are the exercises like the Cruising Lesson, Follow the Fence, Controlled Cruising and Confused Loping that help to get the cobwebs out of the horse’s […]
Round Penning Your Horse and the Proper Warm Up Q: Does a horse need to be warmed up before he hustles in the roundpen, or should he canter fast immediately? – Christie G. A: Warming up and cooling down a horse before and after exercise is always a smart idea. Horses are no different than […]
Some people and horse personalities just don’t mesh. There are probably people in your workplace that you just don’t get along with. There’s no specific reason why; your personalities just don’t click.
Just like people, horses’ attitudes and abilities vary from one individual to the other. Some horses are more naturally talented at a certain task than others. Sometimes the hardest thing for people to realize is that not every horse suits every course. For example, I breed reining and cow horses, but not every horse I […]
Training Tip: Why You Should Train Your Horse on the Trail
No matter what sort of horse we have in for training at the ranch (Performance Horse, Signature Horse or Academy Horse), we always follow the golden rule: long rides, wet saddle pads and concentrated training. A huge part of that formula is getting your horse outside the arena. Riding outside the confines of an arena […]
Training Tip: Ask Clinton: Giving a Horse Confidence
Q: I am struggling with my older horse that is losing his confidence. Do you have any recommendations for me to get him back on track? I ride him about two to three times per week, and do some arena work but I mostly trail ride. When he is feeling insecure, I can talk him […]
Training Tip: Great Trail Horses Aren’t Born; They’re Trained
The biggest misconception about trail riding, in my opinion, is that people think that every horse should be a good trail horse. Most people think, “Surely if he’s a good riding horse in the arena, he’ll make a great trail horse.” That couldn’t be further from the truth. The number one thing I want you […]
Q: I’m ready to start riding my horse. Should I use a bit to begin with or do you recommend I use a hackamore? – Kathy C. A: I like to ride all of my colts in a hackamore during their first 10 to 15 rides because it gives them a chance to learn how […]
The Fundamentals, the first level of the Method, is the level where, through a series of groundwork and riding exercises, you earn your horse’s respect and trust and prove yourself to be the leader in your relationship. Horses are great followers if you are a great leader. Think of it as the foundation of a […]