Training Tip: Is it Worth Investing in a Custom Saddletree?
In my opinion, a custom saddletree is not worth the expense. There’s no such thing as a saddletree that will fit your horse perfectly forever. It may fit him in the very moment you get it measured for him, but that’s about it. The whole business of custom saddletree work is nothing more than a […]
Training Tip: When to Add Speed to a Reining Horse
Question: How do you decide when it’s OK to add speed to a horse’s training? I’m training a reining horse and have what I think is a good foundation on him. I know in order to be competitive that I need to speed him up, but I’m not sure when I should do that. – […]
Training Tip: End Training Sessions on a Positive Note
When I give my horses treats, I typically give them at the end of a training session when I’m putting the horses away for the day. That way, the last thing they remember is me scratching on them and giving them a treat. Spending a couple of minutes rubbing and scratching your horse is especially […]
Training Tip: Improving a Horse’s Agility and Focus
Question: What are some good exercises to keep my horse moving with agility? I compete in ranch-type events, some of which are fast-paced, and I’m looking for exercises to get him to tune in to me and improve the way he moves in general. – wayneborrows Clinton’s Answer: My go-to exercise in a situation like […]
There are many myths in the horse world about feeding treats. Here are a few of the most common: “If you feed your horse treats, you’ll teach him to bite you.” “Treats make a horse pushy.” “Treats are for horsemen who don’t have any skill.” My stance on treats is that there is a time […]
Question: My Thoroughbred is fine when I ask him to move forward. However, when I apply leg pressure to any sort of maneuver, such as two-tracking, sidepassing, etc., he gets super cranky. He pins his ears, crow hops and has a horrible attitude.
Training Tip: Successful Rides Start With Groundwork
Successful rides with your horse start with groundwork. It’s that simple. I always do groundwork before getting in the saddle to make sure the horse is using the thinking side of his brain and is tuned in to me. When working with different horses, the only thing that changes about groundwork for me is deciding […]
There are many myths in the horse world about feeding treats. Here are a few of the most common: “If you feed your horse treats, you’ll teach him to bite you.” “Treats make a horse pushy.” “Treats are for horsemen who don’t have any skill.” My stance on treats is that there is a time […]
Question: Whenever I go to halter my 2-year-old Quarter Horse, he tries to grab the halter and sometimes my hand. I try to back him up when he does this, but it’s hard to do because I don’t have the halter on him yet. He doesn’t try to bite me any other time and is […]
There are many myths in the horse world about feeding treats. Here are a few of the most common: “If you feed your horse treats, you’ll teach him to bite you.” “Treats make a horse pushy.” “Treats are for horsemen who don’t have any skill.” My stance on treats is that there is a time […]