In this month’s No Worries Club exclusive, Clinton is back in the arena with the horsemen of the Osage Outback Riders, a Method meet-up group based in Oklahoma. In the final training session with the Osage Outback Riders, Clinton helps four members of the group tweak their cues and think about the way they’re interacting with their horses. With Beth, the focus is on Vertical Flexion at the Canter and preparing her horse for lead departures. Peg learns how to correctly cue her horse for the Intermediate exercise Yield the Hindquarters and Bring the Front End Thru. Mallory fine-tunes Counterbending with her horse, and Carolyn works on properly executing One Rein Stops and Flexing at the Standstill.
Watch the video on the No Worries Club website or on the Downunder Horsemanship app. The app is a free download from the App Store and Google Play.