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Find It on the No Worries Club Website: Horse Won’t Accept Bit

A No Worries Club member asks Clinton: Apache has trouble with accepting the bit. We were working through this problem well until a couple of weekends ago when he was taken to a horse show without my knowledge. A young girl was allowed to ride him, and she was made to get off of him because she was in his mouth and he was rearing on her. He has never reared on me. Now, when we try to go to the right, Apache starts to sidestep and throw his head. When I get him stopped, he jerks his head. What is your advice? Also, now to get the bit in his mouth is like prying open a turtle. I use a smooth snaffle. – czsuzy

Listen to Clinton’s answer by logging on to the No Worries Club website or the Downunder Horsemanship app and going to the Q&A video section.

The No Worries Club website is home to hundreds of hours of training video content available to members only. This exclusive content includes full-length TV shows, Q&A’s with Clinton that cover a variety of training topics, a Testing the Method series that focuses on the Fundamentals and Intermediate levels of the Method, and past No Worries Club videos. Learn more about the benefits of being a No Worries Club member on our website or call us at 888-287-7432.