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Method Ambassador Based in Saratoga, New York

Liz DeLuca was born into a family of horse lovers and grew up riding and driving her parents’ draft horses. Before long, she was given a horse of her own and actively rode English throughout her childhood, going on to compete for her college’s equestrian team. After graduating with a degree in business management with a specialization in equine studies from Cazenovia College, Liz worked at a hunter/jumper show barn and then at a polo barn.

Her parents had been longtime followers of Clinton and the Method, so when Liz ran into trouble with her personal horse, she turned to the groundwork exercises to sort it out. “That got me the results I was looking for, and at that point, I was giving lessons and thought if I could attend a clinic it’d help me improve my horsemanship even more,” Liz says.

She was also tossing around the idea of enrolling in the Academy and thought the clinic would be a good test to see if she’d enjoy learning at the ranch. “To see the transformation in my horse in 10 days was amazing. When I brought him home, the difference was noticeable and more people contacted me about wanting help with their horses,” Liz says.

That’s when she decided to pursue the Academy and learn the Method in-depth. “The Method works, period, and the way it’s laid out makes it easy to teach to people. It’s one thing for me to get your horse to do something, but it’s more important that when you take him home you can get the same results,” Liz explains.

As a Method Ambassador, Liz is training horses and giving lessons. Her main goal is to spread the Method to the English world. “You don’t have to wear a cowboy hat and ride Western to use the Method. Horses don’t know that the Method came from Clinton; all they know is that you’re communicating to them in a way that makes it easy for them to understand and respond in the correct manner. If the English world would embrace this psychology-based approach to training, it would be a game changer.”

Contact Liz at 518-339-8141 or [email protected] to learn how she can help you with your horsemanship.

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Developer Services