“The first six weeks of a horse’s life under saddle are the most crucial time of his career. Whatever a horse learns in that timeframe will be the foundation that sticks with him for the rest of his life. So if you teach him that it’s OK to buck, run away or be stiff and heavy, it’ll take a long time to undo the damage. However, if you teach the horse during the first six weeks that he needs to be soft, supple and relaxed, it’ll the lay the foundation for everything else you do with him,” Clinton says.
The clinician is teaching a 10-day Colt Starting Clinic this summer at the Downunder Horsemanship Ranch in Stephenville, Texas. The clinic will run from June 27th – July 7th and provide participants one-on-one help to ensure their colts get the best start. Clinton will step horsemen through the process of saddling their horses for the first time through confidently riding on the trail on a loose rein.
Applications for the clinic are being accepted now. To learn more about the clinic and to apply, visit our website.