Begin and end each training session with desensitizing, and desensitize your horse between each sensitizing exercise. The desensitizing exercises work best if combined with the sensitizing exercises because after you’ve moved the horse’s feet, he’s looking to stand still, relax and get a rest. If every time you let him rest you desensitize him, it won’t take long for the horse to associate desensitizing with resting. Eventually, he will start to look forward to you desensitizing him.
A word of caution though, don’t initially teach the horse the desensitizing exercises if he’s really fresh and full of beans. Do some of the sensitizing groundwork exercises with him first, such as roundpenning or Lunging for Respect, so that he’s in a better frame of mind and more willing to stand still and relax. If you drag him out of his stall that he’s been cooped up in for a day or two, the last thing he’s going to want to do is stand still and relax. Be smart and use common sense.