2025 Clinician Academy
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The key to getting true collection isn’t in the horse’s head and neck, but rather from his withers on back. It’s about creating impulsion and then driving that energy from the horse’s back end to his front end. But, there’s no point in driving that energy forward if the horse doesn’t know how to give vertically to the bit, otherwise, that energy will just go up and over the bridle. That’s why we teach Vertical Flexion at the Standstill first before teaching a horse how to collect vertically at the walk, then trot and then the canter. He has to understand the basics before you ask him to do more complicated maneuvers. When people haven’t taken the time to teach their horse how to be soft and give to the bit, that’s when you see false collection. False collection is when the rider is forcing the horse to tuck his head and neck in and his hindquarters are strung out behind him. It’s an ugly picture and only teaches the horse to be stiff and heavy and ignore the bit.