2025 Clinician Academy
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Too often, I meet people at tours or we’ll receive letters in the office saying that they have a problem that needs fixed. Everyone wants a quick fix, a magic cure that they can give their horse to have their problems disappear. Believe me, if I had such a magic cure, I would sell it and make millions! But there’s no such thing. However, there’s something that’s pretty close and that’s the Method. By starting from the beginning of the Method and following it step by step, you can fix almost any problem your horse is having. The sensitizing exercises get rid of any lack of respect your horse may have, and the desensitizing exercises get rid of any fear he may have. So regardless of what your problem is, whether it’s bucking, not being able to pick up the feet, not crossing water, buddy sour, etc., it will be solved by following the Fundamentals Series.
People don’t like that answer because it sounds like a lot of work, and it means they have to use the right tools and equipment to get the job done. Unfortunately, there are only three ways to get a horse trained: buy him trained, pay someone else to train him or train him yourself. So pick your poison. Regardless of how it happens, a well-trained horse is one that someone has spent a lot of time with.
Remember something, there are no shortcuts in horsemanship. It takes time, dedication and a step-by-step training method to accomplish your goals.