All of us at Downunder Horsemanship hope you have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the holiday season! We’ve appreciated your support throughout the year and look forward to helping you work toward reaching your personal horsemanship goals in 2024. The Downunder Horsemanship office will be closed Monday, December 25th and Tuesday, December 26th as well […]
Clinton believes that training a horse to accept hobbles is a crucial step in the horse’s education. If you teach a horse in a safe, step-by-step fashion how to use the thinking side of his brain and not to panic when he gets his feet trapped or hung up in a gate or in the […]
Our favorite horseman is in the holiday spirit! Every day starting on Friday, December 1st and running through Tuesday, December 12th, Clinton will be unwrapping new daily specials. Look for big savings and great deals on our best-selling tack and equipment, apparel and Method must-haves! Stay tuned to your email inbox and Downunder Horsemanship social […]
There’s nothing that unites equestrians across all disciplines as quickly as trailer-loading woes. At some point in your horsemanship journey, you’re bound to come across the horse that refuses to get anywhere near a trailer. In his Trouble-Free Trailering Series, Clinton explains how he builds a horse’s confidence about getting on the trailer and being […]
The kind of blackout you’ll want to raise another one to is hitting Downunder Horsemanship this week. Blackout offers start at 5 p.m. CST on Thursday, November 23rd and run through Monday, November 27th.
Judging by how quickly our limited-edition burgundy training essentials are leaving our warehouse, you’re loving the color just as much as we do! We want to see how sharp your horses look in the limited-edition color. Share photos of your horse fashioning the burgundy halters and lead ropes with us by tagging Downunder Horsemanship in […]
When Clinton created Downunder Horsemanship 25 years ago, his goal was to make horsemanship safer and easier for people and help them create a more enjoyable partnership with their horses. He had no idea the impact the Method would have on the horse world or the community of horsemen it’d foster. In fact, while Clinton’s […]
Celebrate 25 years of Downunder Horsemanship with us! The fun begins Friday, August 25th at 8 a.m. and runs through Thursday, August 31st. Take $25 Off Your Order & Enter to Win 25 Prizes Use coupon code 25YEARS at checkout to take $25 off your order.* Shop our sale page to get deals that will […]
What to Look for in a Roundpen to Train Your Horse
I start every horse’s training in a roundpen following the Roundpenning exercises from the Fundamentals level of the Method. Do you have to? No, of course not.
Monday was one of my hardest days as a horseman and an incredibly sad day for Downunder Horsemanship. In the late afternoon, we laid Mindy to rest. She was a once-in-a-lifetime horse, and I was lucky to have had her for nearly 30 years. With my parents’ help, I bought her when she was just […]