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Downunder Horsemanship - General

Downunder Horsemanship - General
May 19, 2015

Celebrate Memorial Day

Our office will be closed Monday, May 25th in observance of Memorial Day. We hope you enjoy your three-day weekend and take time to remember all of the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice for the United States of America and our freedom. Clinton is a huge supporter of the United States military […]

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Clinton Anderson Clinics Downunder Horsemanship - General
May 12, 2015

The Most Important Step

Clinton and his clinicians are in the thick of instructing a 10-day Fundamentals Clinic at the ranch. The group of riders and horses is making great progress and Clinton is seeing daily improvement from everyone, which is what a clinic is all about! While the horsemen participating in the clinic are learning the Fundamentals and […]

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Downunder Horsemanship - General
May 12, 2015

Haul-In to the Ranch

Wish you could escape your day-to-day life and vacation with your horse and experience what it’s like to train out of one of the best equine facilities in the country? We can hook you up! Clinton is letting horsemen haul-in to the Downunder Horsemanship Ranch to stay overnight and train their horses using his world-class […]

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Downunder Horsemanship - General
May 12, 2015

Your Horse Will Thank You

During his early training years in Australia, Clinton was frustrated with the saddle pads he used. They caused dry spots and soreness issues for his horses, which hindered their performance. He was determined to remedy the situation, and set about creating his own saddle pad. He made his first prototype pad by hand in his […]

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Academy Downunder Horsemanship - General
May 12, 2015

All About the Clinician Academy

Since Clinton redesigned his Clinician Academy last year, creating the Method Ambassador Program, interest in the Academy has spiked. Now, studying at the ranch for an extended length of time and getting one-on-one instruction from Clinton and his clinicians is a reality for more horsemen passionate about the Method. If you have aspirations of becoming […]

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Clinton Anderson Clinics Downunder Horsemanship - General
May 5, 2015

Fundamentals at the Ranch

We’re expecting a motivated group of horsemen to haul into the ranch later this week for our first at-home clinic of the year. Clinton is teaching a 10-day Fundamentals Clinic that covers the first level of the Method in-depth. Those attending the clinic will be coming to learn how to build a better partnership with […]

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Downunder Horsemanship - General Walkabout Tours
May 5, 2015

We’re Looking for Non-Profit Organizations

For over 15 years, we’ve been helping non-profit organizations raise funds for their cause at our Walkabout Tours. At each tour stop, Clinton teams up with our tour feature sponsor, Ritchie Industries, to put on the Ritchie Charity Ball Toss. A local organization with equine connections is selected to run the ball toss that has […]

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Downunder Horsemanship - General
April 14, 2015

The Right Start

“One of the best aspects of working with young horses is that they’re like blank slates. No one has taught them to be pushy or fearful; all they know is what you allow them to get away with. And they’re very quick learners,” Clinton explains. ‪ Learn how to get your young horse off to […]

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Academy Downunder Horsemanship - General
April 14, 2015

Let Us Do the Hard Work

Do you lack the confidence, consistency or time to train your horse? If so, you’re not alone, and Clinton has a solution. His Academy Horse Program allows followers of the Method to send their horses to the ranch to be trained in the Fundamentals, Intermediate and Advanced levels of his tried-and-true training program. Horses begin […]

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Downunder Horsemanship - General
March 31, 2015

Follow Us on Social Media

Stay up-to-date on the latest happenings around Downunder Horsemanship, get training tips and inspiration from Clinton to achieve your dreams, and follow behind-the-scenes action on our social media pages. Downunder Horsemanship is active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube. Find us on: Facebook: Downunder Horsemanship Twitter: DownunderHorse Instagram: downunder.horsemanship Pinterest: DownunderHorsemanship YouTube: DUHorseman

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