Our No Worries Club contest for the month begs the question: How well can you talk the talk like the man behind the Method? We want to see your best impersonation of your favorite Clintonism! Rules and How the Contest Will Work: 1) Each No Worries Club member may enter one time. 2) Take a […]
Find It on the No Worries Club: Lessons Not Sticking With a Colt
A No Worries Club member asks Clinton: I have a horse that is 3 years old as of April. I have been working her through the Colt Starting Series. We are up to the Jeffrey’s Method, but she is still very skittish.
Clinton Shares: Arena Maintenance and Pasture Care
When it comes to where you work your horse and the pastures you turn him out in, attention to detail is a must. Both greatly affect a horse’s performance and overall wellbeing. Plus, when you invest your resources into caring for horses at your home, if you don’t take care of your property, it becomes […]
Titan’s first foals were born this year, and we want to see all of your Titan colts and fillies! Clinton’s giving one lucky Titan foal owner a premium No Worries Club membership and a halter and lead rope to get their foal off to the best start. How to Enter: Take a photo or photos […]
Find It on the No Worries Club: Horse Lowers Head to the Ground When Being Ridden
A No Worries Club member asks Clinton: I have a horse that when doing the Cruising Lesson at the trot pushes his head to the ground. I don’t understand why he does it or how to fix it. He isn’t opening his mouth or breaking gait, he just shoves his nose in the dirt. He […]
Premium Access to Clinton’s Horse Training Library
When it comes to ensuring horsemen have the right knowledge to work safely with their horses and achieve their goals, Clinton never stops thinking of ways to make the Method available. When we introduced the premium No Worries membership last fall, we knew it was going to be a hit. How can you go wrong […]
Find It on the No Worries Club: Solving a Horse’s Head-Tossing Issue
There’s nothing more distracting than a horse that frequently throws his head up in the air, dragging the reins through his rider’s hands. A horse that constantly tosses his head has one of a few things going on. He might have a dental issue and the bit could be irritating him and making him feel […]
If your horse isn’t healthy, he won’t be able to perform at his best – no matter how great your training method is. That’s why Clinton takes his horses’ health seriously. In the March 2013 No Worries Club video, he assembled a team of professionals to address a variety of health-related topics to help you […]
Find It on the No Worries Club Website: Bringing a Horse Back to Work
It’s no secret that you make the most progress with your horse when you consistently work with him. However, if you’re human, you’re bound to have to miss at least a few days of consistent training here or there. It’s something Clinton has had to deal with, especially in the early days of his career, […]
We know you love sharing your passion for the Method and the success you’ve had with your horses. We appreciate your loyalty and want to recognize your efforts! That’s why we’re introducing the Refer a Friend program.