Training Tip: Canter With Confidence: Use Correctly Fitted Tack
If your confidence abandons you when it comes to cantering your horse, don’t fear! You’re not alone and your feelings are completely normal. I was leery of cantering when I first started riding horses, too.
Training Tip: Overcoming a Horse’s Ingrained Bucking Habit
Question: I bought my horse Hank, a 4-year-old Quarter Horse, last fall, and he had a good start. I was told he could be a little cinchy and he had bucked before but he “was honest about it.” I found that he had some holes in his training—he was not soft enough, was a little […]
Learn How to Handle a Horse That Stops and Rolls on the Ground During a Ride
A horse that lies down and rolls while you’re riding him is very dangerous. “If you’re not quick enough to get out of the saddle, he can crush you and seriously injure you,” Clinton warns. Horses most often lie down during rides when they get hot and sweaty and want to roll in the sand […]
Training Tip: Why You Should Teach Your Horse to Sidepass
Sidepassing is a useful way to get better control of the horse’s five body parts (head and neck, poll, shoulders, ribcage and hindquarters). Anytime you can get your horse to move laterally, you’ll encourage him to use the thinking side of his brain. Remember, the secret to earning your horse’s respect and getting him to […]
Question: I have a 4-year-old Arabian that I recently purchased. My problem is I can’t catch him. He has lots of energy and takes off running across the pasture any time I try to catch him. I understand the concept of working with him in the roundpen to get his respect, but how can I […]
Training Guide: Attitude Adjustment for Cranky Horses
Horses that misbehave in group situations are a hazard to themselves and others. More than likely, you’ve been on a trail ride with a pinny-eared horse that snakes his head around to bite others or tries to lash out with his hind legs. One ill-mannered horse can disrupt an otherwise enjoyable ride and create a […]
Training Tip: Tack Your Horse Up Without Moving Your Feet Challenge
Whoever moves first loses. That’s the number-one rule in horsemanship. Whichever horse in a herd can make all the other horses move their feet is in control.
Training Tip: Advice for Dealing With a Runaway Horse
Question: My horse bolts. Anything could set him off. A bird flew out of the tree, the neighbor’s donkeys ran down the hill, or another horse in the group kicked a log. The Method reduced his bolting by 80 percent, but I still have the issue when we come upon anything that’s new or happens […]
Training Tip: Why You Should Practice the Cowboy Curtain Obstacle With Your Horse
When thinking of obstacles to introduce to your horse so that he’s prepared to negotiate them when you’re on the trail, you’ve probably covered the obvious ones: water, bridges, hills and gullies. Most of us forget to think of passing through overhanging leaves or vines and riding through thick brush. However, if you don’t take […]
A “cinchy” or “cold-backed” horse has a tendency to overreact and possibly buck when pressure is applied around his belly or flank area. It’s normal for a horse to feel reactive whenever this area is squeezed tightly. Horses hate tight, narrow spaces or feeling claustrophobic, so when you wrap a rope or girth around a […]