Training Tip: Why You Should Train Your Horse on the Trail
No matter what sort of horse we have in for training at the ranch (Performance Horse or Academy Horse), we always follow the golden rule: Long rides, wet saddle pads and concentrated training. A huge part of that formula is getting your horse outside the arena. Riding outside the confines of an arena just makes […]
Training Tip: Horse Reacts to Being Saddled When Not Worked Consistently
Question: We have a 5-year-old gelding that has been recently gelded. He has been through the Fundamentals groundwork and he did really well. If you ride him for consecutive days, he does not saddle up cinchy. If you leave him for a couple of days and saddle him, he bucks, he rears and he lies […]
Training Tip: Take Bending at the Walk to the Next Level
If you’re working toward getting your horse soft and supple throughout his body with the goal of achieving collection at all three gaits, the Intermediate exercise Bending With Vertical is an important stepping stone in your training program. I introduce this exercise toward the end of the Intermediate Series because it’s important that your horse […]
Question: When I do flexing from the saddle, my horse lowers her head to the ground and she will stay that way. At first, I thought she was just relaxing and stretching out her back, but now I wonder if it’s an attempt to avoid flexing? – Jaycee Clinton’s Answer: Good job on working on […]
Training Tip: Don’t Ignore Your Horse’s Spooky Behavior
Whenever you’re with your horse—no matter whether you’re on the ground or under saddle—anytime a training opportunity presents itself, don’t ignore it. If your horse uses the reactive side of his brain and spooks at an object, get him back to using the thinking side of his brain and build his confidence about the object. […]
Question: I lead both of my geldings at the same time next to a road to get to their pasture that’s 200 yards away from the barn. The one gelding is always in a hurry and walks faster than me and the other gelding. If I put a little pressure on his halter, he slows […]
Question: My Thoroughbred mare had an abusive past and was quite fearful when I bought her. I followed your advice to treat her as any other horse and not worry about her past. I have done a lot of groundwork with her, and we’ve made a lot of progress. Several people in my riding group […]
Question: I have a 4-year-old Quarter Horse filly. When I approach her with the grain bowl, her ears go flat back. If I walk away with it, her ears come back up.
Training Tip: Why Horses Become Aggressive Towards Humans
Horses become aggressive towards people for two main reasons. Sometimes they develop aggressive behavior because they feel threatened and think that aggression is the only way to protect themselves. Horses that are trained by people that I describe as barbarians often fall into this category. These trainers keep increasing pressure without giving the horse a […]
Training Tip: Mare is Aggressive About Protecting Her Foal
Question: My mare has become very aggressive about protecting her foal to the point that she’s lunged at me and bitten my shoulder. Before the foal, she was a gentle mare. Will she begin to lose her aggression?