Training Tip: Practice Handling a Spooky Horse in a Controlled Environment
Knowing how to handle when your horse spooks and actually getting in the saddle and doing it are two separate things. If you want to get good at handling a spook, you have to put yourself and your horse in the situation to practice. You do that by introducing your horse to as many spooky […]
Question: My horse either grabs the reins, bites the stirrup or tries to bite my boot when doing lateral bending. I have tried kicking him in the mouth when he goes for me, but that doesn’t stop him! I am riding him in a sidepull currently until he gets his teeth floated. My mom bought […]
Training Tip: Why and When I Introduce Spurs to My Horses
When I start a horse under saddle, my first two goals are to establish a gas pedal and a brake. A gas pedal refers to the horse increasing his speed as soon as you gently squeeze his sides with the calves of your legs and maintaining that speed until you cue him otherwise. If a […]
Question: While leading my mare, I had to let go of the lead rope because I got stuck in the mud. At first, she stayed close by me and nibbled on scraps of hay. However, as I approached her, she took off running and bucking and didn’t stop until she found more food. I did […]
It always surprises me how many people think deaf horses are useless and untrainable to the point of thinking a deaf horse should be put down, or, at the very least, shouldn’t be ridden. It’s ridiculous. I know plenty of deaf horses that are athletic, have great minds and are great partners. A few years […]
Question: My horse is blind in one eye. We finally got him to go in the trailer, but when we went to tie him up, he freaked out. What do you suggest for me to do so I can get him in the trailer and for him to stay still when he’s in there? We […]
Training Tip: If You Want Your Horse to Lope Well, Practice Loping
Everyone wants to ride a horse that lopes with cadence, follows their focus and listens to their cues. It’s no fun when you ask your horse to pick up the lope and he constantly speeds up and slows down and zigs and zags all over the place. Unfortunately, you can’t expect your horse to lope […]
Training Tip: Horse is Afraid of Clippers Near His Ears
Question: My horse Winchester, a 6-year-old Quarter Horse, is afraid of the clippers by his ears. How do I teach him to accept the clippers and let me clip his ears? – desalenatallman2002 Clinton’s Answer: You’ll use the Approach and Retreat Method to desensitize your horse to first your bare hands moving around his head […]
Training Tip: Hands That Release Quickly Make a Soft Horse
When it comes to horsemanship, you’ve probably heard the saying, “Light hands, light mouth.” The person sharing the adage is under the impression that as long as your hands stay light and gentle on the reins, your horse will be soft and supple in return. My years of experience training a wide variety of horses […]
Training Tip: Horse Rocks the Trailer While Going Down the Road
Question: I have a 5-year-old ex-racehorse that I have been retraining since he was 3. He has been hauled thousands of miles all over the country for trail riding. In the past six months, he has started to throw his body, all of 1,300 pounds, into the wall of the trailer while it’s moving down […]