Most riders don’t realize how important sweat is. Look at your horse as a well-trained athlete. In any sport, in order to develop any sort of skill at it, you’ve got to work hard and practice consistently.
If you’ve ever wondered: How do I get my horse to take the correct lead? What exercises can I do to improve my horse’s canter? What is the best way to ask for a canter departure?
The Downunder Horsemanship office will be closed Wednesday, July 4th in observance of the holiday. We hope our fellow American citizens take the time to celebrate our freedom and enjoy the day! Business will be back to normal on Thursday with the call center open from 8 a.m.
Chrome, a Corgi, was involved in a dog fight and suffered serious injuries. Watch this video to see how Vetericyn aided his healing process. (Please note that the video contains graphic images of dog fight injuries.
Find it on the No Worries Club Website: Establish the Basics of Control With Your Foal
In the summer 2014 edition of the No Worries Journal, Clinton gives step-by-step instructions on how to teach a foal to yield his hindquarters. This is an important exercise to teach a foal because the hindquarters are like the engine of the horse; they are where all of a horse’s power comes from. The sooner […]
Training Tip: Ask Clinton: Can’t Reach Head for Haltering
Q: I just bought a Thoroughbred gelding that is over 16 hands. Every time I go in the stall to put his halter on he lifts his head really high so that I can’t halter him. How do I get him to drop his head for me?
Our last Walkabout Tour of 2018 brings Clinton and the Method back to some of our most passionate fans. On September 29th and 30th, the Del Mar Fairgrounds in Del Mar, California will play host to our fourth tour of the year. The event features a lineup of training demos that our West Coast fans […]
By Michelle Janka-Herriges I brought my 27-year-old AQHA gelding Breezy (aka Almost A Breeze) out of retirement a few weeks ago. Breezy has been retired for the last four years to live the good life, but he seemed to me to be unhappy just being a pasture pet/retired having nothing to do. So I decide […]
Clinton explains an important step to take when introducing a saddle to a colt for the first time. The key to successfully introducing the saddle to a colt is to get his feet moving forward and to give him time to get comfortable wearing the saddle. A lot of horses will stand calmly while you […]