Whenever you want to change directions, turn your horse or guide him in general, always use the “Look, Leg, Rein” approach. No matter what you’re doing with your horse, you always want to be able to use the lightest cue possible to get your horse to respond correctly. When it comes to steering, that’s your […]
Help for Horses That Bite and Kick Others on a Trail Ride
Horses that misbehave in group situations are a hazard to themselves and others. More than likely, you’ve been on a trail ride with a pinny-eared horse that snakes his head around to bite others or tries to lash out with his hind legs. One pinny-eared horse can disrupt an otherwise enjoyable ride and create a […]
Find it on the No Worries Club: Jumping and Crossing Over Obstacles
Teaching a horse to cross and jump over obstacles builds a horse’s confidence and tests how much he respects and trusts you. “Giving your horse a reason to do groundwork will make it more fun and exciting for both of you,” Clinton says. “Drilling on the same exercises the same way every day is what […]
Training Tip: Two Culprits of Aggression in Horses
Horses become aggressive for two main reasons. Sometimes they develop aggressive behavior because they feel threatened and think that aggression is the only way to protect themselves. Horses that are trained by people that I describe as Barbarians often fall into this category. The trainer keeps increasing the pressure without giving the horse a chance […]
Your Horse Could Take Center Stage at the Kalispell Walkabout Tour
Clinton and his clinicians are looking for horses to work with during training demonstrations at the Kalispell, Montana Walkabout Tour. The tour is taking place at the Majestic Valley Arena, August 1st and 2nd. Throughout the event, Clinton and his clinicians will work with Clinton’s personal horses as well as local “problem” horses in a […]
Reined Cow Horse Series Bonus Footage: Tyrion’s Future
Clinton shares an update about reined cow horse Tyrion and an important tip for trainers and owners of horses in training to keep in mind in the video, “Tyrion’s Future.” The video is bonus footage to the fourth training session in the Performance Horse Series: Reined Cow Horses. Log on to the Downunder Horsemanship app […]
Find It on the No Worries Club: Don’t Overlook the Back Cinch
Tacking up your horse correctly isn’t just important for his and your comfort and ability to perform your best—in many cases, it’s vital to your safety. An often-overlooked piece of properly adjusted equipment is the back cinch on the saddle. Incorrectly doing up the back cinch can put your horse and you in a dangerous […]
Vertical flexion is something that you’ll build on with each give. First the horse has to understand that when you pick up on the reins and apply pressure with your legs he needs to maintain whatever gait he’s in and give to the pressure. As soon as he understands that concept, then you can ask […]
June No Worries Club Exclusive: Troubleshooting Leads
Everything you’ve ever wanted to know about leads is covered in this month’s No Worries Club video training session. Clinton explains why leads matter and how to tell if your horse is on the correct lead. You’ll learn exercises to encourage your horse to pick up the correct lead, and, if you compete, when to […]