Mark Your Calendars: Silver Spurs Equine Colt-Starting Demonstration
This March, you’re invited to the legendary Silver Spurs Equine for an information-packed training demonstration and exploration of one of the world’s foremost Quarter Horse breeding operations. Clinton will be putting on an in-depth colt-starting demonstration at the Scottsdale, Arizona breeding facility that will cover how to introduce a saddle to a horse for the […]
The first Walkabout Tour of the year finds us in Buckeye, Arizona at the South Buckeye Equestrian Center, February 2nd and 3rd. Highlights of the weekend include: An unstarted horse is invited to the tour for Clinton to demonstrate his colt-starting process. Clinton will explain how to start the Method with a horse and why […]
By Classic Equine Although we have an indescribable bond with our equine partners, the fact still remains that they are large and powerful animals. We saddle them each day to train, ride down the trail, or even compete on them without even thinking about the possible consequences we might face if there is a malfunction […]
Training Tip: Address Head Tossing, Part 2: The Horse is Sorry-Broke
If your horse is constantly tossing his head when you ride him and you’ve ruled out a health issue and yourself as possible causes, he may be doing it because he lacks training. In other words, if every time you pick up on the reins your horse roots his nose out and flings his head […]
Best wishes for a phenomenal 2019! Our entire team thanks you for your support throughout the year. We’re excited to bring even more innovation, inspiration and instruction to you this year!
Are you looking forward to Clinton being in your area in 2019? Put your passion for Downunder Horsemanship to work and you could earn a free training kit of your choice! For each Walkabout Tour, we select a Street Team to help us promote the event. How to try out: Fill out and submit the […]
The winter issue of the No Worries Journal is out and packed full of inspirational stories and how-to training articles! You’ll learn what to do when your horse tunes you out, why going bigger with your aides isn’t always better, and how to teach your horse to focus in any environment. You’ll also catch up […]
Horsemen who attend Clinton’s Buckeye, Arizona Walkabout Tour presented by Ritchie Industries at the South Buckeye Equestrian Arena, February 2nd and 3rd, can expect a weekend of non-stop horsemanship instruction and inspiration. Training demos scheduled for the event include: colt starting, training on the trail, advanced riding, beyond fundamentals groundwork, one-on-one help, desensitizing to spooky […]
Q: I do not have a way to connect to the internet while at the barn. How will I be able to view the video lessons or Arena Mates? A: All of the videos and Arena Mates and/or books included with each training kit are able to be downloaded directly to your mobile device. Before […]
Find It on the No Worries Club: An Exercise for a Hard-to-Bridle Horse
Ever dealt with a horse that throws his head up when you go to bridle him or tosses his head out of reach when you try to put the halter on him? If so, you’re not alone! When he went to his first horsemanship clinic in Australia, Clinton borrowed a friend’s horse to ride and […]