Training Tip: Conquer Your Horse’s Fear of the Arena
When you’re working with an arena-shy horse, don’t think, “How can I make him get in the arena?” Think, “How can I make it uncomfortable for him not to go in the arena?” You’ll do that by working the horse hard where he wants to be (outside the arena) and letting him rest where you […]
Horses establish dominance by being able to move each other’s feet. The most dominant horse in a herd can make all the other horses move their feet forwards, backwards, left and right. Horses use that same principle when they are around us. Anytime you can move your horse’s feet forwards, backwards, left and right, you […]
Imagine that when you were in school you were forced to do nothing but write and recite the alphabet repeatedly every day for an entire year. Doesn’t sound like much fun, right? In fact, after you’d learned the alphabet and could write it and repeat it out loud forward and backward, you were ready to […]
Training Tip: Three Ingredients to a Truly Broke Horse
Many horses are rideable, but few are truly well broke. I define a well broke horse as one who is quiet, dependable, soft and responsive, in any situation – in the arena or on the trail. Of course, many factors go into how far a horse’s training can go, including breeding, temperament and the method […]
If catching a horse that doesn’t want to be caught is an all too familiar scenario, the November club DVD will help you cure one of the most frustrating problems you can face as a horse owner. Each year, Clinton gets in a small herd of recipient mares to carry his performance mares’ foals to […]
Training Tip: Stay a Step Ahead of a Barn Sour Horse
One way to deter a barn sour horse from wanting to rush back to the barn is to come back to the barn from different directions or on different paths. In other words, try not to always come back to the barn from the same trail. Or, when you do come back to the barn, […]
With the 2014 Walkabout Tour season wrapped up, Clinton and his team at Downunder Horsemanship want to thank each and every horseman who attended this year’s events. The tour traveled to nine locations this year, our semis covered 18,100 miles, 405 roundtrip plane tickets were purchased to get team members to each location, Clinton gave […]
It’s a great habit to teach your horse to lower his head and then tip his head toward you when you’re haltering and unhaltering him. It’s an especially good habit when you’re turning your horse out and bringing him in. If his head is low and tipped toward you, it’s a submissive position and is […]
What do you get when a passionate group of horsemen get together to practice the Method? Fun, friendship, lots of learning, and we’re hoping a great future NWC DVD. Clinton is heading south to Crockett, Texas this week to work with the DUH Posse, a meet-up group that practices the Method. Many members of the […]
When I apprenticed with Ian Francis, he told me: “There are a lot of heroes in the graveyard.” Too many people try to play the hero by riding an unprepared or difficult horse and end up getting bucked off. They break their necks and die because they didn’t use their heads. If you’re having a […]