Training Tip: Horse is Nervous About an Object While Cross-Tied
It’s completely normal for horses to get nervous or anxious while tied up, including when they are in cross-ties. Sometimes horses will get anxious about activity going on around them or a strange object nearby. This can be especially true if you’ve taken your horse off your property to another location. Whenever your horse is […]
Clinton Challenges the Colt Starting Clinic Participants
This month’s No Worries Club exclusive takes members back for day nine of the Colt Starting Clinic taught by Professional Clinician Jeff Davis. The participants in the clinic have worked diligently to build their horses’ confidence and safely start them under saddle. Over the past several days, Jeff has helped them take their colts from […]
Cross-ties are different from other ways to tie a horse up because instead of there being one pressure point on the horse—the lead rope is connected to the halter or the chain from the Patience Pole is connected to the halter—there are two—one on either side of the halter. In cross-ties, if the horse pulls […]
While loping a horse in a circle may seem like an easy thing to do, it’s fairly difficult to achieve when riding one-handed on a loose rein. To prepare his horses to lope and eventually gallop circles in a reining pattern, Clinton uses the exercise “Circle ‘N Circle” to lay a foundation that he can […]
The spring edition of the No Worries Journal is a celebration of Mindy’s life. Clinton found the Australian Quarter Horse mare when he was a 19-year-old struggling trainer and she was just a weanling. Together, the two built Downunder Horsemanship and inspired the dreams of horsemen. Throughout the mega issue, Clinton chronicles Mindy’s life and […]
If you have or are taking your horse through the Fundamentals level of the Method and are looking for a fun challenge and opportunity to finesse your execution of the exercises, check out the “Test Your Fundamentals” training tool. The in-depth video series is available to No Worries Club members and allows you to benchmark […]
Training Tip: Teaching Your Horse to Confidently Tie
Before you teach a horse how to stand tied up, he has to be prepared for the experience, meaning that he knows how to soften and yield to pressure. I prepare my horses to be tied up by teaching them the Fundamentals groundwork exercises. When I’m confident that the horse understands that when he feels […]
The Importance of Warm-Ups Before a Training Session
The first 10 minutes Clinton gets on a horse, he focuses on nothing but seeing where the horse is at for the day and working on making sure the horse is soft, supple and relaxed. “There’s not a whole lot you can accomplish with a horse when he’s not mentally or physically prepared for a […]
Learn How to Desensitize Your Horse to Moving Objects
Is your horse frightened of traffic? Does he lose his marbles when a 4-wheeler or ATV zips by him? From time to time, your horse is going to spook at objects, especially if they appear suddenly and are moving fast. These spooky encounters don’t have to be ride ruiners if you learn how to safely […]
Training Tip: When to Add Speed to a Reining Horse
Question: How do you decide when it’s OK to add speed to a horse’s training? I’m training a reining horse and have what I think is a good foundation on him. I know in order to be competitive that I need to speed him up, but I’m not sure when I should do that. – […]