Find it on the No Worries Club Website: An Important Skill That Will Make You a Better Horseman
In the “Methodology Series,” Clinton shares important horsemanship lessons he’s learned throughout his career. In the first video of the series, he talks about one skill every horseman should perfect in order to improve their feel and timing. Log on to the No Worries Club website or the Downunder Horsemanship app to watch the video […]
How the Closure of the Circus Will Impact the Horse Industry
By Protect The Harvest The history of Lucas Oil is the story of the American Dream. We founded Protect The Harvest because our American heritage is important, vital and what we value most. Unfortunately, in the last number of years, animal rights extremist groups have influenced our government and legal system, threatening agriculture, animal ownership, […]
Training Tip: Ask Clinton: Unsticking the Feet in the Backup
Q: My horse backs up great on the ground, but he won’t take one step backwards when I’m riding him. He just throws his head up and feels like he wants to rear. I’ve tried different bits and hackamores, but nothing seems to get him to back up under saddle!
Clinton is extremely proud of the 16 horsemen who graduated the Clinician Academy this year as Method Ambassadors. Each of the horsemen are certified to teach the Fundamentals level of the Method in their local area. The ambassadors offer public clinics and private lessons and accept horses for training. Learn more about each of the […]
Next month, Clinton and our clinicians will be heading north of the border to put on our first clinic in Canada in over a decade. During the three-day Fundamentals Clinic, Clinton will teach horsemen groundwork and riding exercises that establish a foundation of respect and trust with their horses. While participant spots are full, spectators […]
Over 20 years of Clinton’s horsemanship advice could be in the palm of your hand! Watch this video to learn how to purchase and download digital kits and videos to your personal device using the Downunder Horsemanship app.
By Absolute Innovations Here in the Midwest, we have had a fair amount of rainfall, which has caused some flooding in our indoor arena. While the mischievous side of me would like to practice cantering through our new indoor water obstacle, the rational side reminds me just how much damage can be caused by riding […]
Find it on the No Worries Club Website: Bad Attitude During Lunging for Respect
In his most recent Q&A, Clinton answers this question posted by a No Worries Club member: I started my 3-year-old mare six weeks ago on the Method. Lunging for Respect Stage Two ticks her off to no end. She does do it and she is energetic, but she shakes her head and I can just […]
Training Tip: Confidently Introduce Your Horse to Obstacles
Once you have a foundation on your horse, meaning that he trusts and respects you and you can control his feet, you can begin to introduce him to obstacles. At some point or other during his trail riding career, your horse is going to come across obstacles on the trail – water crossings, bridges, hills, […]