Method Ambassador Rick Badousek grew up on his family’s farm in Nebraska and was given his first horse when he was 6 years old. The day that Rick’s father handed the horse over to him set Rick on a lifelong quest to be the best horseman he could be. His passion for studying horsemanship led […]
Misconceptions in Selecting Forage for Horses – Forage Cutting
By Dr. Stephen Duren, Performance Horse Nutrition and Standlee Premium Western Forage® Nutritional Consultants Forage in the form of hay or pasture is the primary ingredient in the diet for most horses. Horses can consume many different varieties of high-quality forage, both alfalfa and grasses, without digestive upset provided the horse is properly adapted to […]
Don’t Miss the Summer Edition of the No Worries Journal
The summer issue of the No Worries Journal is out and packed full of inspirational stories, how-to training articles and exciting innovations coming from Downunder Horsemanship. You’ll learn how to troubleshoot lead changes, master hills, meet Clinton’s up-and-coming performance horse Evil Canivile, welcome Faith Stevenson as a Certified Clinician, and learn how a young man’s […]
ADM is giving away one of Clinton’s training kits! To enter the contest, head over to the Downunder Horsemanship Facebook page and click on the ADM contest post. In the comments, tell us why you love feeding your horse ADM Animal Nutrition feed.
Have you tried Vetericyn? What do you think about it? The Vetericyn team will be at the Walkabout Tour taking place at the South Point Arena & Equestrian Center wanting to hear your feedback. Everyone who gives a video testimonial with the team will get a free sample of Vetericyn.
Training Tip: When a Horse Rears Because he Doesn’t Want to Move Forward
The key to understanding how to fix a horse that is lazy and rears on the trail is to first understand that the problem is just a symptom of a cause. The horse is rearing (or threatening to) because he has sticky feet. When he doesn’t want to do something, his way of getting out […]
Clinton is extremely proud of the nine horsemen who graduated the Clinician Academy this year as Method Ambassadors. Each of the horsemen are certified to teach the Fundamentals level of the Method in their local area. The ambassadors offer public clinics and private lessons and accept horses for training. Learn more about each of the […]
By: Mike Barrett, PAS, ADM Equine Specialist It has been said the key to a horse’s heart is through their gut, or you’ve probably heard the saying “a happy gut makes a happy horse and happy horses give great rides.” Best rides, be they in the show ring, on the trail or on the range, […]
Find it on the No Worries Club Website: Put an End to Pawing
Pawing the ground with one front hoof is a clear sign of impatience and frustration on the horse’s part. You’ve probably seen the horse that digs himself into a hole when left tied up or bangs a front hoof against the stall impatiently until he’s fed. It’s kind of like a little kid rolling around […]
Clinton is looking for a horseman wanting to work one-on-one with him at the Las Vegas, Nevada Walkabout Tour this month. During the training session, Clinton will help you and your horse fine-tune various exercises from the Method. The clinician is also on the hunt for a colt to start in a detailed training session […]