Are you in need of a high-quality roundpen and plan to attend the Kalispell, Montana Walkabout Tour at the end of August? We’re offering special pricing for the Behlen Roundpen Clinton will use during the weekend’s demonstrations. You’ll purchase the roundpen now, and then pick it up at the tour. Built to Clinton’s personal specifications, […]
Vertical flexion with your horse is something that you’ll build on with each give. First the horse has to understand that when you pick up on the reins and apply pressure with your legs he needs to maintain whatever gait he’s in and give to the pressure. As soon as he understands that concept, then […]
When Clinton decided to add buffalo to his performance horse training program, he knew he’d need help learning how to best work with the animals. Fellow Aussies Duncan Steele-Park and Glen Aspinall are happy to share their knowledge with him. In the first session with the buffalo, the trio focused on getting the animals comfortable […]
By Ritchie Industries That familiar high-pitched buzz is an unwelcome reminder that warm weather brings pesky mosquitoes. More than just annoying, some mosquitoes are the primary transmitters of West Nile virus, Eastern equine encephalomyelitis (EEE), and Western equine encephalomyelitis (WEE). Mosquito breeding requires just a small amount of stagnant or standing water. Some species lay […]
Training Tip: Catch Your Horse in the Pasture Challenge
Can you go out to the pasture and catch your horse and lead him to the gate without having to halter him? How your horse greets you and what he’s willing to let you do with him when you enter the pasture says a lot about your partnership. As you progress through the Method and […]
Clinton’s miniature horse, Phoenix, celebrates his fifteenth birthday on June 2nd. The sorrel gelding arrived at the ranch in 2009 as a 2-year-old colt and over the years has amassed a tremendous fan base of his own. He’s starred in a two-part series about using the Method to train miniature horses (watch the series by […]
Does your horse stand in his stall while you dream of one day being able to ride him? Maybe you bought him as a project to re-train but quickly realized you didn’t have the experience to help him overcome his longstanding problems. Or perhaps you wanted to start a horse yourself from the ground up […]
Training Tip: Horse Continues to React to the Saddle After Numerous Saddlings
Question: I have a mare that I’ve started with the Colt Starting Series. She has responded well to the training, except she is still reactive to the saddle, even after saddling numerous times. She saddles sometimes and does not panic, and the next day, I will do the same saddling process and she will panic […]
No matter what discipline you do with your horse, if you want him to perform at his best, you need to use quality tack that fits him correctly. At the top of that list is your saddle. In the No Worries Club digital download, “Saddle Fit,” Clinton works with Brian Peterson, a saddle engineer at […]