Training Tip: Counterbend for a Softer, Suppler Horse
A step-by-step approach to training that focuses on suppleness as well as impulsion, addresses your horse’s fitness from head to tail. Whether you cut cows or trail ride, a well-balanced training program can improve your horse’s athleticism, achieve a deeper level of communication and responsiveness and enhance his overall well-being—a fit, flexible horse has greater […]
This month’s No Worries Club digital download features Clinton’s go-to plan to get his horses to tune in to him when he hauls them away from home. “Horses notice every little thing about their environment. While that attentiveness is great for keeping them one step away from potential predators, it can make hauling your horse […]
Did you know that you can stream the Method on Apple TV, Android TV, and Amazon Fire? Not only can you view training content on your mobile device and computer, but you can also view all of the video content on your TV by simply adding the Downunder Horsemanship streaming app to your device. You’ll […]
Training Tip: Creating Draw With a Hard-to-Catch Horse
Question: Heinz is an older horse, and I used to have to chase him to catch him. I’ve worked with him to teach him that when he sees me, he needs to turn in toward me, instead of me chasing him. I started with roundpen work so he will give me two eyes and respect […]
For the past few years, the Clinician Academy has been booked a couple of years in advance. Listening to feedback from horsemen who were interested in attending the course but were finding it hard to wait for an available opening, Clinton made the decision to add a second session. The second class will be taught […]
If you’ve ever wondered why your horse behaves the way that he does, you’ll want to check out the Philosophy video series. The series is a free resource Clinton put together to share what he feels everyone should know about horses before working with them. You’ll learn what motivates horses, the basics of respect and […]
Three of the greatest horsemen in the western performance world are getting together next month to share their knowledge and talent. With the success of his Along for the Ride podcast, 7 Million Dollar NRHA Rider Andrea Fappani is hosting a three-day symposium featuring Nick Dowers and Shawn Flarida. The event will take place at […]
One of the most important exercises you can teach your horse is how to back up. The better you can get a horse to back up, the more respectful and responsive he will be in everything else that you ask him to do. A good backup is the foundation of the stop as well as […]
When someone tells me how old a horse is, I never make a correlation between the horse’s age and how well-trained and experienced he is. Nothing will get you into trouble faster than making an assumption about a horse’s training based on his age. The horse industry as a whole generally lumps all young horses […]