Not a member or haven’t logged on to the club site recently? Here’s just a peek of what you’re missing! Helpful Reads: “Roundpen Escapee”: When members run into trouble with exercises, others are quick to help.
The Sending Exercise is a handy tool that can be used in a number of situations you encounter with your horse on a daily basis. As prey animals, horses are claustrophobic by nature, and when made to go through tight, narrow spaces, they naturally want to use the reactive side of their brains. This exercise […]
If you… Are afraid to canter your horse Feel insecure in the saddle at any gait Feel your heart speeding up out of fear when you get near a horse Are completely confused about groundwork Want your horse to respect you and want to be able to trust him Would like to feel safe when […]
Training Tip: Build Confidence With the One Rein Stop
The One Rein Stop is the first thing I teach every single rider in my clinics as soon as they get on the horse’s back. Why? Because once they realize that they can stop their horses anytime, anywhere, whenever they want, you wouldn’t believe the amount of confidence it gives them. I often refer to […]
“One of the best aspects of working with young horses is that they’re like blank slates. No one has taught them to be pushy or fearful; all they know is what you allow them to get away with. And they’re very quick learners,” Clinton explains. Learn how to get your young horse off to […]
Do you lack the confidence, consistency or time to train your horse? If so, you’re not alone, and Clinton has a solution. His Academy Horse Program allows followers of the Method to send their horses to the ranch to be trained in the Fundamentals, Intermediate and Advanced levels of his tried-and-true training program. Horses begin […]
It doesn’t matter what sport you do with your horse – western pleasure, dressage, trail, jumping, cutting, reining, etc., every single sport revolves around the horse being soft, supple and relaxed in order to perform his best. In order to get a horse soft and supple throughout his entire body, you need to concentrate on […]
Most horse owners don’t put a whole lot of thought into how their horse leads. In fact, most people think that leading is dragging the horse from point A to point B. The truth is, horses don’t magically know how to lead; it’s important to spend time to teach them how to. Teaching your horse […]
Stay up-to-date on the latest happenings around Downunder Horsemanship, get training tips and inspiration from Clinton to achieve your dreams, and follow behind-the-scenes action on our social media pages. Downunder Horsemanship is active on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and YouTube. Find us on: Facebook: Downunder Horsemanship Twitter: DownunderHorse Instagram: downunder.horsemanship Pinterest: DownunderHorsemanship YouTube: DUHorseman
Lunging is one of the most used and abused exercises in the horse world. You can go to any horse show or training facility to see what I mean. Often you’ll see someone in the middle of an arena lunging a horse on a 60- or 70-foot lead rope. The horse is galloping around, he’s […]