We’re looking forward to September when Clinton will be at the Eagle River Center in Eagle, Colorado working with horsemen to learn and perfect the Fundamentals groundwork and riding exercises. The three-day clinic takes place September 15th – 17th and is open to horsemen wanting to learn how to be better leaders for their horses […]
It’s been years since Clinton has brought the Walkabout Tour presented by Ritchie Industries to Missouri. When he arrives at the National Equestrian Center in Lake St. Louis, August 26th and 27th, he’s got new training demonstrations to share! SATURDAY 9:00 a.m.–12:00 p.m.
Find it on the No Worries Club Website: The Four-Day Rule
“When we’re training horses at the ranch, we have a four-day rule for introducing exercises and dropping exercises out of the rotation. This ‘rule,’ as well as training the horses on the trail and over the obstacle course, keeps their lessons interesting and new. A horse that is engaged in what you’re teaching him will […]
Face it, filling and scrubbing tanks is the worst! Luckily, there’s an easy solution from Classic Equine by Ritchie. Just hook up a garden hose to EZ-FOUNT and give your horse a constant supply of fresh, clean water.
What does a respectful horse do when you walk up to catch him? He turns and gives you two eyes, and even walks up to you. What does a disrespectful horse do?
Clinton’s bringing a new lineup of training demonstrations to the South Point Arena and Equestrian Center in Las Vegas, Nevada for this weekend’s Walkabout Tour presented by Ritchie Industries. New training demonstrations include safely introducing your horse to obstacles, training on the trail, and a one-on-one student lesson. View the complete schedule of events for […]
Method Ambassador Rick Badousek grew up on his family’s farm in Nebraska and was given his first horse when he was 6 years old. The day that Rick’s father handed the horse over to him set Rick on a lifelong quest to be the best horseman he could be. His passion for studying horsemanship led […]
Misconceptions in Selecting Forage for Horses – Forage Cutting
By Dr. Stephen Duren, Performance Horse Nutrition and Standlee Premium Western Forage® Nutritional Consultants Forage in the form of hay or pasture is the primary ingredient in the diet for most horses. Horses can consume many different varieties of high-quality forage, both alfalfa and grasses, without digestive upset provided the horse is properly adapted to […]
Don’t Miss the Summer Edition of the No Worries Journal
The summer issue of the No Worries Journal is out and packed full of inspirational stories, how-to training articles and exciting innovations coming from Downunder Horsemanship. You’ll learn how to troubleshoot lead changes, master hills, meet Clinton’s up-and-coming performance horse Evil Canivile, welcome Faith Stevenson as a Certified Clinician, and learn how a young man’s […]
ADM is giving away one of Clinton’s training kits! To enter the contest, head over to the Downunder Horsemanship Facebook page and click on the ADM contest post. In the comments, tell us why you love feeding your horse ADM Animal Nutrition feed.