You’ve seen good performance horses work. They move with supreme athletic ability – sliding, turning back a cow, spinning or effortlessly executing a lead change. It’s clear they’re in the right job – they have the conformation, the bloodlines, the attitude and the training to do what’s asked of them, and they do it well. […]
When horses feel safe, comfortable and have enough food and water to sustain them, their next need is stimulation. Your horse needs to be stimulated both physically and mentally on a daily basis. As with many other things when working with horses, you need to balance between the mental and the physical. You have to […]
Horses have a natural instinct to pull and push against pressure – not give and soften to it. So every opportunity you get, teach your horse to soften to pressure. You always want your horse thinking of how he can give and soften to pressure rather than thinking of how he can resist, stiffen and […]
A few more horsemen can join Clinton at the ranch in Stephenville, Texas for instruction in the Fundamentals level of the Method in this spring’s 10-day Fundamentals Clinic. The life-changing clinic that has helped hundreds of horsemen create a partnership with their horse and progress their training is being held May 8th – 18th. If […]
Three Great Training Tips from Top Trainer Clinton Anderson of Downunder Horsemanship
Tip #1: Fix the cause, not the symptoms. The majority of horse “problems” (such as bucking, rearing, biting and pawing) aren’t really problems at all, they are really just symptoms of a cause. Seventy to eighty percent of all the problems you will ever have to deal with as a horse owner will fix themselves […]
#1 – If you’re turning your horse out with other horses, get the other horses away from the gate before leading your horse through it. People often suffer serious injuries turning horses out because they’re unaware of herd dynamics of horses. When you throw your horse into a herd, the other horses will react, and […]
Because of Clinton’s cowboy image, most people who hear about the Method assume it’s just for western riders and horses. Nothing could be further from the truth! The Method is nondenominational – Clinton created it to get results with every horse, no matter the horse’s age, breed or what discipline he is being used for. […]
Horses have two sides to their brains: the left brain and the right brain. Each side of your horse’s brain is like a completely separate horse. You’ve got Lefty and you’ve got Righty.
We’re just getting into the height of foaling season at the ranch. Twenty-one foals that have all been bred for reining or reined cow horse success are expected this year, and they are all being carried by recipient mares. Each year, the Downunder team decides on a theme to select each foal’s barn name. This […]
Lack Confidence? Scared of Your Horse? Clinton can Help!
If you… • Are afraid to canter your horse • Feel insecure in the saddle at any gait • Feel your heart speeding up out of fear when you get near a horse • Are completely confused about groundwork • Want your horse to respect you and want to be able to trust him • […]