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News Archive

Training Tips
December 10, 2013

Training Tip: Keep Your Horse Guessing

  You always want your horse thinking, “What’s next?” If you constantly keep him guessing about what you’ll ask him to do, he’ll be forced to tune into you. That means mixing up your training sessions so you don’t practice the same exercises in the same order. It also means that you’re conscious of being […]

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Training Tips
December 3, 2013

Training Tip: Have A Speedy Horse? Test Your Control At Home

  If your horse has a tendency to race ahead when you’re riding in a group, here’s a way to teach him to relax. Find a controlled environment like an arena or a large pasture and enlist the help of a friend on horseback. Start at the walk and ride side by side, about 15 […]

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No Worries Club
December 3, 2013

December NWC DVD: A Lesson in Leadership

  In this month’s No Worries Club exclusive, Clinton works with Kyla Stone and her horse Apache for a member lesson. Since becoming Apache’s owner, Kyla has had to deal with the gelding’s reactive, spooky and pushy nature. He’s afraid of loading on the trailer, won’t stand still to be bathed, pulls back when he’s […]

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Downunder Horsemanship - General
December 3, 2013

A Saddle For Your Feedback?

  It could happen! For the past six months, we’ve been asking horsemen to give us their feedback on our television show and training kits. We appreciate all of the constructive criticism and words of praise we’ve received so far. Each month, we draw one name out of the entries to win a Method or […]

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Downunder Horsemanship - General
December 3, 2013

Method Progression: Step 1 – The Fundamentals Series

  Clinton is world-renowned for his practical, easy-to-understand horsemanship method that gets results quickly, and in the Fundamentals Series, he details the foundation every horse/human relationship should start with. You’ll get an in-depth look at the psychology behind training horses and over 30 groundwork and riding exercises that will take your horsemanship to a new […]

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Training Tips
November 26, 2013

Training Tip: Be Mindful Of Yourself To Curb Anticipation In Your Horse

  If you’re having trouble with your horse getting ahead of you, stop and assess the situation. Without realizing it, you may be unintentionally giving your horse “pre-cues” to a maneuver. When I was riding Mindy regularly, I had to be very careful of this. Because she was so in tune to me after 13 […]

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Training Tips
November 12, 2013

Training Tip: Horse Overreacts To Other Horses On The Trail

  It’s common for horses to get excited when they see other horses on the trail. Anytime a horse starts to use the reactive side of his brain and it feels like you’re losing control, redirect his energy in a positive way. When a horse uses the reactive side of his brain, the only way […]

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Training Tips
November 5, 2013

Training Tip: Hold The Soft Feel Longer

  Vertical flexion is something that you’ll build on with each give. First the horse has to understand that when you pick up on the reins and apply pressure with your legs he needs to maintain whatever gait he’s in and give to the pressure. As soon as he understands that concept, then you can […]

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Training Tips
October 29, 2013

Training Tip: Choose Your Horse’s First Trail Wisely

  When you ride your horse outside for the first time, I’ve found that it is best if you can give him a path to follow so that you can just put some steady miles under his feet. Ideally, I like to take my horses out on a wide dirt road where I can walk, […]

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Training Tips
October 22, 2013

Training Tip: The Concept Lesson

  When you first teach a horse something, it’s a concept lesson. In the concept lesson, your goal is to get the general idea of the lesson across to the horse. When you first ask a horse to do something, he won’t automatically know what to do. In fact, he’s probably going to do everything […]

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