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News Archive

Downunder Horsemanship - General
October 22, 2013

Test Your Intermediate

  We’re looking for a few Method-followers to star in a “Test Your Intermediate” video series that will be just like the member-favorite “Test Your Fundamentals.” Clinton is challenging you: How well do you know the Intermediate level of the Method? We’re looking for a few members to show Clinton just how good they are […]

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Training Tips
October 15, 2013

Training Tip: Practice Parts, Not The Whole

  If you show your horse in an event with patterns, like reining or dressage, don’t practice the pattern from start to finish during training sessions. Doing so is likely to cause your horse to anticipate the next maneuver and get ahead of you. Taking your horse through the same patterns over and over is […]

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Training Tips
October 8, 2013

Training Tip: Anticipation Isn’t Wholly A Bad Thing

  Anticipation is a common problem that plagues horses in all disciplines, particularly horses that are hot-blooded and sensitive. Horses are great at predicting our behavior and learning our habits, and it isn’t generally too hard for them to do so. As predators, we tend to follow the same routine, day in and day out. […]

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No Worries Club
October 8, 2013

NWC Members: Clinton Is Challenging Your Intermediate Skills

Clinton is looking for a few members to show him just how good they are at the Intermediate level of the Method. He will work with each selected member one-on-one, having the member show him every Intermediate groundwork and riding exercise. After each exercise, he’ll critique and grade you on your work. That’s 33 exercises […]

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October 1, 2013

Our Clinicians Are Already Booking 2014

  Clinton’s Professional and Certified Clinicians are busy planning their 2014 schedules, and their calendars are filling up quickly! The clinicians travel all over the country and to the UK to instruct private lessons and public clinics, giving people one-on-one help to learn the Method or improve their horsemanship. Clinton currently has two Professional Clinicians […]

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Academy Downunder Horsemanship - General
October 1, 2013

Fundamentals With Shana

  Yesterday, Shana welcomed a group of horsemen from across the country to the ranch for a five-day Fundamentals clinic. The clinic will officially start today, with participants reviewing the philosophy of the Method and then roundpenning their horses. Tomorrow, they’ll begin the clinic with groundwork exercises in the arena and will ride their horses […]

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Downunder Horsemanship - General
October 1, 2013

Live Q&A, Successful

Clinton spent his 38th birthday last month holding a live Q&A for club members, and the hour-long discussion was a hit among members. Clinton randomly selected members to ask him questions, and the clinician was able to impart his commonsense, black-and-white advice and got those on the line laughing at some of his answers. For […]

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Training Tips
September 24, 2013

Training Tip: Two Eyes Are Always Better Than Two Heels

  What does a respectful horse do when you walk up to catch him? He turns and gives you two eyes, and even walks up to you. What does a disrespectful horse do?

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Academy Downunder Horsemanship - General
September 24, 2013

UK Fans of the Method: We’re Coming to You!

  We’re excited to announce that Certified Clinician Kristin Hamacher is now accepting bookings for clinics and private lessons in the United Kingdom for 2014. The lifelong horsewoman is certified to instruct at the Fundamentals level of the Method and is passionate about helping people create better partnerships with their horses. If you live across […]

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Downunder Horsemanship - General
September 24, 2013

Must-Haves For Trick Training

  Trick Bridle: The Trick Bridle offers much more leverage than a halter, and is especially useful when teaching tricks where the horse is initially resistant. The Trick Bridle features a headstall, smooth snaffle bit, slobber straps, leather chin strap and 8-foot loop reins.   The loop reins are made out of high quality marine […]

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