Training Tip: Don’t Underestimate the Power of Rest
Where you rest a horse is literally where you’re telling him to be. Resting is a complete release of pressure. We train horses by applying pressure and then releasing pressure when they do the right thing.
The summer heat is cranking up and we’ve got a sizzling special on the No Worries Club to help you reach your horsemanship goals. Between now and Friday, July 30th, when you become a No Worries Club member, you’ll receive a free gift! All new premium No Worries Club members will get a halter and […]
When Wade and his wife Debbie bought their first horse, the couple had no previous horsemanship experience. Debbie had always loved horses and the couple was at the right point in their lives to make good on her childhood dream of owning a horse of her own. Catalina, the horse Wade purchased for Debbie, wasn’t […]
Planning Tips & Common Mistakes When Considering an Automatic Waterer
By Ritchie Industries Automatic Waterers Summertime and early fall are great times to plan for and install automatic waterers in the paddock, stall or pasture. Automatic waterers keep the water fresh, clean and at a temperature that is appealing to your horse throughout all seasons. On average, a horse drinks eight to 12 gallons of […]
Question: I solved my gelding’s old habit of occasionally pulling back by using the Aussie Tie Ring, completing the Fundamentals, starting on the Intermediate, as well as hobble training him. Now I’m interested in advancing his ground-tying skills. I’ve started slowly adding it to our routine as best I can. Where can I find info […]
Eight horsemen earned their Method Ambassador certification this summer. They’re a great addition to our team and can help you achieve your horsemanship goals. The horsemen are certified to teach the Fundamentals level of the Method and offer public clinics and private lessons and accept horses for training. Learn more about each of the outstanding […]
Problem solving, advanced horsemanship on the ground and in the saddle, how to begin re-educating your horse under saddle … they’re all topics Clinton will cover in depth at the Dripping Springs, Texas Walkabout Tour presented by Ritchie Industries at the Dripping Springs Ranch & Park. Each training demonstration features Clinton not only explaining how […]
If you lead a Method meet-up group, we want to hear from you! We’re brainstorming an incentive program to recognize the passion your group puts into practicing and sharing the Method with others and need your input. To take part, please call 254-552-1000 or email [email protected] to share the following info: Method meet-up group name […]
Training Tip: Time Does Matter When Training a Horse
In a perfect world, time shouldn’t matter when training a horse. However, in the real world, time does matter. I tell the Academy students all the time, if you’re not aware of your time, typically you’re not focused on getting results. You’d think the more time you gave yourself to train a horse the better […]
An Exercise to Prep Your Horse for Group Riding on the Trail
While you are training your horse to be a confident trail partner, it is best to ride him outside the arena by yourself rather than attempting to train him while being on a ride with six other horses and riders. “That way it is just the two of you concentrating on the training sessions. There […]