Clinton Films the First Episode of His Upcoming Podcast
Over the past year, based off the feedback he’s received from you and professionals in the western performance horse industry, Clinton has been researching and making plans to host his own podcast. On Thursday, he filmed the first episode of Uncut & Real Raw With Clinton Anderson. The episode features Chance Conrado of The Gauge […]
Great Progress Being Made in the Colt Starting Clinic
The Colt Starting Clinic taking place at the Downunder Horsemanship Ranch in Farmington, Arkansas for Method Ambassadors is progressing well. Professional Clinician Jeff Davis is leading a group of 10 ambassadors who are each starting two horses. The horses were saddled for the first time last Tuesday and received their first ride on Thursday. Between […]
The spring session of next year’s Clinician Academy was fully booked as of last Friday. The Academy is for horsemen who are passionate about the Method and want to establish a career as a Method Ambassador or just want to further their horsemanship knowledge for their personal benefit. Throughout the course, horsemen train two of […]
Training Tip: The Reason Behind Laying Horses Down
Question: How important is laying down a horse? I know a lot of trainers do it and I was wondering why it isn’t a part of your Fundamentals. I love your method and use it, but I just wanted to understand the purpose of laying down. – shyan.rae Answer: Laying a horse down is very […]
It’s All About Training on the Trail in the August No Worries Club Video
Clinton’s back in Arizona to continue to work with a group of No Worries Club members who are passionate about the Method and enjoy trail riding with their horses. In the first training session with the group, Clinton reviewed their Fundamentals and went over the bare minimum a horse and rider should know before leaving […]
On Sunday, Method Ambassadors looking to earn certification to start colts for the public arrived at the Downunder Horsemanship Ranch in Farmington, Arkansas. The 10 horsemen will spend 11 days learning from Professional Clinician Jeff Davis to hone their colt-starting skills and be evaluated. The clinic got started on Monday and will continue through August […]
You often don’t appreciate a good foundation until you don’t have it. Think about it. If you’ve got a well-built house, you don’t give its foundation a second thought.
Best Wishes to Our Summer Clinician Academy Students
Horsemen in our summer Clinician Academy have worked hard to hone their skills the past several weeks and are now in their final day of testing. Earlier in the course, they took a written exam covering the philosophy behind the Method, and yesterday, they started their practical exam, where they’re asked to demonstrate each of […]
Training Tip: Fixing a Horseback Riding Issue Without Mecate Reins
Question: Frosty is a 9-year-old sensitive Quarter Horse that I have begun with the Fundamentals and ride English. What do I do when I come off on a trail ride? I can’t take off his bridle and put on his rope halter and line. Do I dust off and move his feet under saddle or […]
While weaning can be stressful for young horses and their dams, if you take time to prepare the foal and mare, you can ensure that the experience goes as smoothly as possible. “When I was breeding mares and raising foals, we always worked with the foals on a daily basis, teaching them the Fundamentals level […]