Find it on the No Worries Club: Horse Gets Nervous About Unloading Out of the Trailer
A No Worries Club member asks Clinton: “Chance loads easily now into our four-horse slant trailer; however, he has a new problem that has begun this year. He gets really nervous when we try to back him out of it. He almost sits on his rump when he gets to the halfway point. Then, when […]
Human emotions have no place in training horses. If you try to deal with a horse based on emotions, you won’t get the response you want because he won’t understand what you’re asking him to do. You have to be able to correct your horse and increase pressure without raising your emotion. Losing your temper […]
Special Offer: Participate in Clinton’s Idaho Fundamentals Clinic for $850
Create a fulfilling partnership with your horse! Learn groundwork and riding exercises to build confidence, to stay safe in the saddle and on the ground, and to increase respect and control. Get rid of frustration once and for all and learn to enjoy your horse!
Our friends at ADM are hosting a meet and greet with Clinton before the Lake St. Louis, Missouri Walkabout Tour at the Cottleville Farm and Home Supply in Cottleville, Missouri. Clinton will be at the store Friday, August 25th from 4:30 p.m.
Clinton is Back with the AZRR in the August No Worries Club Exclusive
The Arizona Range Riders are serious about two things: learning the Method and having fun while doing it. Clinton visited the Arizona based Method meet-up group and worked with several of its members, helping them with problems they were having and offering advice so that they could refine maneuvers. In this lesson, Clinton helps Rose […]
Method Ambassador Anna McCoy learned to ride when she was 4 years old on a feisty pony named Duchess. She got her first horse, an Appaloosa mare named Spirit, at the age of 9. A week after becoming Spirit’s owner, the mare unexpectedly attacked Anna. The incident led the young horsewoman to Star K Farm, […]
This summer, the Michigan based Method meet-up group, Mich-a-Roos, invited Professional Clinician Shayla Smock to work with them to improve their application of the Fundamentals exercises. Eight members of the group worked with Shayla over the course of four days. Here is what the horsemen had to say about their experience learning from Shayla: “I […]
By Mike Barrett, PAS, ADM Equine Specialist Nutritionists and veterinarians agree, a horse’s digestive system is designed to process forage. Economists will say forage is the most economical way to feed horses. However, forages alone tend to short the modern horse that is larger framed and more athletic than the horse of yesterday in key […]
If you’re attending our last Ranch Rally this October, we encourage you to reserve your hotel room as soon as possible. With the 500 horsemen who will be joining us at the Rally and other events taking place in Stephenville at the same time, the city’s hotels are quickly filling for the weekend. For a […]