You often don’t appreciate a good foundation until you don’t have it. Think about it. If you’ve got a well-built house, you don’t give its foundation a second thought.
Best Wishes to Our Summer Clinician Academy Students
Horsemen in our summer Clinician Academy have worked hard to hone their skills the past several weeks and are now in their final day of testing. Earlier in the course, they took a written exam covering the philosophy behind the Method, and yesterday, they started their practical exam, where they’re asked to demonstrate each of […]
Training Tip: Fixing a Horseback Riding Issue Without Mecate Reins
Question: Frosty is a 9-year-old sensitive Quarter Horse that I have begun with the Fundamentals and ride English. What do I do when I come off on a trail ride? I can’t take off his bridle and put on his rope halter and line. Do I dust off and move his feet under saddle or […]
While weaning can be stressful for young horses and their dams, if you take time to prepare the foal and mare, you can ensure that the experience goes as smoothly as possible. “When I was breeding mares and raising foals, we always worked with the foals on a daily basis, teaching them the Fundamentals level […]
Keep Your Horse’s Water Cool, Fresh and Clean This Summer
By Ritchie Industries Summertime should be a time to relax and take it easy when the temperatures hit triple digits. However, anyone who takes care of horses in the summer knows there are all sorts of challenges that come with hot weather. The biggest and most immediate concern is making sure your horse has enough […]
ABI Attachments is Proud To Partner with Clinton Anderson
World leader in arena drags, manure spreaders, water trailers Take Advantage of Special Offers This Month | View Special EMPOWERING YOU TO GET YOUR OUTDOOR WORK DONE At ABI Attachments we design and manufacture purpose-built arena drags, manure spreaders, and water trailers so you can take care of your land, arena, and horses […]
Training Tip: Practice Hauling Your Horse Away From Home
When you start hauling your horse away from home, you’ll likely notice that he’s more reactive and doesn’t ride as well at the new locations. This is especially true of young and inexperienced horses and is completely normal. As prey animals, horses are aware of their environments and notice every little change. So when you […]
Everything You Need to Know About Teaching Your Horse Lead Changes
If you’ve ever wondered: How do I get my horse to take the correct lead? What exercises can I do to improve my horse’s canter? What is the best way to ask for a canter departure?
Colt-Starting Training Sessions Will be Featured at the Kalispell, MT Walkabout Tour
When Clinton decided to mix up the training demonstration schedule for the 2022 Walkabout Tours presented by Ritchie Industries, he listened to your feedback and put a larger focus on colt starting. Instead of offering just one training session about safely starting a horse under saddle, the events now feature two demonstrations on the topic. […]
Training Tip: Addressing Dominant Herd Behavior in Horses
Question: We are slowly introducing a 4-month-old weanling into a herd of 13. We have a dominant 19-month-old gelding that is displaying behavior that we can’t explain. When together in the paddock, the gelding is controlling basically every step the weanling is allowed to make.