If you’re a No Worries Club member, you’ll be receiving a special thank-you for your loyalty. We’re sending out a 2024 calendar that is packed full of motivational photos and short training tips. Our hope is that the calendar will provide you daily inspiration to help you work toward your horsemanship goals. The calendars started […]
There are many myths in the horse world about feeding treats. Here are a few of the most common: “If you feed your horse treats, you’ll teach him to bite you.” “Treats make a horse pushy.” “Treats are for horsemen who don’t have any skill.” My stance on treats is that there is a time […]
Help your horses perform their best by taking the pressure off their backs with Clinton’s PRS (Pressure Release System) saddle pad. During his early years of training horses in Australia, Clinton became frustrated with soreness problems his horses experienced due to poor-fitting saddle pads that caused dry spots on their backs. He was determined to […]
All of us at Downunder Horsemanship hope you have a Merry Christmas and enjoy the holiday season! We’ve appreciated your support throughout the year and look forward to helping you work toward reaching your personal horsemanship goals in 2024. The Downunder Horsemanship office will be closed Monday, December 25th and Tuesday, December 26th as well […]
Training Tip: How to Stop a Weanling From Pawing the Ground
Question: My 6-month-old colt paws the ground, digging a hole while he eats. He will not paw while I am standing there but will as soon as I walk away. I really want this little guy to be a good citizen and digging holes in my stalls and fields is not OK. – Suzanne Lipford […]
Clinton believes that training a horse to accept hobbles is a crucial step in the horse’s education. If you teach a horse in a safe, step-by-step fashion how to use the thinking side of his brain and not to panic when he gets his feet trapped or hung up in a gate or in the […]
It’s no secret that Clinton is a perfectionist when it comes to making sure his horses feel and look their best. While a balanced nutrition program is key to a horse’s health and overall look, having the right products to care for their coats and manes and tails enhances their appearance. At the ranch, Clinton […]
Horses have four natural gaits – the walk, the trot, the lope and the gallop. In order to be an effective rider, you must understand each gait. Walk The walk is the horse’s slowest gait.
While there are plenty of people who dream of attending the Academy in hopes of becoming Method Ambassadors, only a handful of horsemen have the grit to turn their dream into a reality. For many, finding the funds necessary to enroll in the course, cover living expenses for seven weeks and ensure that they have […]
The December No Worries Club download features Clinton working with Duncan Steele-Park and Glen Aspinall for a final time to learn how to incorporate buffalo into his reined cow horse program. In this lesson, the focus is on teaching one of the buffalo to be used for circling. During competition, after taking a cow down […]