Training Tip: Set Your Horse Up for Success When Riding in an Unfamiliar Location
When taking a horse out on the trail for the first time or riding him in an unfamiliar location, I do groundwork before getting in the saddle to make sure the horse is using the thinking side of his brain and tuned in to me. I’m setting us up for success. That’s one reason I […]
An avid trail rider, Method Ambassador Sabrina Riou’s priority is to train and ride safe, willing horses. She grew up loving horses, and got a 10-year-old mare when she was 13. The sweet-natured, docile mare was the perfect horse for Sabrina to learn to ride on and build her confidence. When Sabrina purchased a yearling […]
Clinton Shares: Arena Maintenance and Pasture Care
When it comes to where you work your horse and the pastures you turn him out in, attention to detail is a must. Both greatly affect a horse’s performance and overall wellbeing. Plus, when you invest your resources into caring for horses at your home, if you don’t take care of your property, it becomes […]
Free Problem Solving Help: Buddy-Sour Horses at the Barn
If you’ve ever had to deal with two horses throwing a fit when you attempt to take one away from the barn or pasture without the other, you know how frustrating and, oftentimes, dangerous the situation can be. The fix – for the horse you’re taking away from the barn and for the horse that’s […]
Training Tip: You Can’t (and You Shouldn’t Try to) Change Who Your Horse Is
The important thing to keep in mind when working with a horse is that you’re not going to change who your horse is. You’re not going to get a 19-year-old gelding that’s been stiff and dull his whole life to be an athletic, soft, supple, talented machine. Can he improve?
A big run in the Level 4 Open Derby at Reining By The Bay with Andrea Fappani earned Titan $20,839.65 and reserve championship honors. The 6-year-old stallion marked a 229.5 with lightning fast spins and big stops. The reserve championship payout brought his lifetime earnings up to $75,588.65. “A special thank you to Titan’s loyal […]
Growing up just outside of Knoxville in the rolling valleys of Seymour, Tennessee, Method Ambassador Cade Snapp split his time between riding horses and playing baseball. His family had him in the saddle by the time he was 6, and he competed in calf roping until he left for college on a baseball scholarship. After […]
Titan’s first foals were born this year, and we want to see all of your Titan colts and fillies! Clinton’s giving one lucky Titan foal owner a premium No Worries Club membership and a halter and lead rope to get their foal off to the best start. How to Enter: Take a photo or photos […]
By ABI With the summer sun upon us, many notice their arenas being dry, dusty and inconsistent. Are you wondering: “Does not having enough moisture on my arena footing affect my horse’s health?” The answer is, yes, it does! A dust-filled, dry arena can affect everything from your horse’s respiratory system to his skeletal structure.
Find It on the No Worries Club: Horse Lowers Head to the Ground When Being Ridden
A No Worries Club member asks Clinton: I have a horse that when doing the Cruising Lesson at the trot pushes his head to the ground. I don’t understand why he does it or how to fix it. He isn’t opening his mouth or breaking gait, he just shoves his nose in the dirt. He […]