This month’s No Worries Club training session finds Clinton back with the Osage Outback Riders, a Method meet-up group in Oklahoma. The horsemen who make up the group are dedicated to becoming the best horsemen they can be and are passionate about the Method. In this lesson, Clinton helps Beth improve the Advanced groundwork exercise […]
Great horsemen have three things in common: excellent feel, great timing and extensive experience working with horses and studying horsemanship. “The only way to develop feel and timing is through experience. The more horses you ride, the more clinics you go to, the more videos you watch, and the more books you read, the more […]
By Emily Dutton, DVM I had been out of riding for a few years when I purchased my Quarter Horse mare Cookie in 2015. We were having great fun that year until she bucked me off going over a stream. It turns out riding a horse isn’t just like riding a bicycle and I don’t […]
The Tunica, Mississippi Fundamentals Clinic was cancelled. Everyone who purchased tickets to attend the event as a spectator has been contacted for a refund. If you have any questions about your refund, please email [email protected].
If you want your horse to get good at loping, actually get a stopwatch and time yourself or have someone else time how long you are loping. This will help because loping for a minute can seem like an hour, especially when you’re first learning. I proved this point at one of my 10-day Fundamentals […]
Professional Clinician Shana Terry and her American Quarter Horse gelding Marty put on a stunning display of the partnership they share in the video “Shana and Marty at Liberty.” Without the use of a halter or lead rope, Shana works with Marty on the obstacle course and does tricks with him. The video was published […]
No Trailing Troubles for Jacksonville Walkabout Tour Horse
By Bonnie Calhoun I was so grateful to have my 2-year-old colt Dillon chosen as a demo horse for the Jacksonville tour. I was having a lot of problems getting him loaded into the trailer. I would send him up to it, but he would stop short of going in. When we were headed to […]
The Tunica, Mississippi Fundamentals Clinic is cancelled. We had several participants drop out because Clinton was unable to teach the clinic, which made it unfeasible for Professional Clinician Shayla Smock to hold the event. Shayla has been in contact with all of the participants to see about the possibility of holding private lessons in the […]
Thirteen foals were added to the Downunder Horsemanship herd this spring, and the aspiring performance horses are progressing well in their groundwork and developing bigger personalities every day! Meet our 2018 foals: Born January 2nd: Yeti (Inferno Sixty Six x Shiney and Dressy aka Shiney) owned by Randy and Angela Massey Born January 12th: Chanel […]
Find It on the No Worries Club Website: Ride the Perfect Circle
The circle is one of the most basic exercises you can use to teach your horse to develop rhythm and to relax while you’re riding him. And if you show your horse, you’ve no doubt been confronted with the seemingly impossible – riding the perfect circle. In the summer 2008 No Worries Journal article “Find […]