Looking for a Method Meet-Up Group to Star in an Upcoming Video
On our list of potential topics to spotlight in upcoming No Worries Club digital downloads is Clinton working with a Method meet-up group to help horsemen overcome issues they’re having with their horsemanship. Clinton’s visited with several groups in the past, coaching riders in a group setting as well as working with members one-on-one. The […]
It’s no secret that the foundation you put on a colt sets the tone for the rest of his life. “You’ve probably heard me say before that the first six weeks of a horse’s life under saddle are the most crucial in his career,” Clinton says. “When you start a colt, it’s important to keep […]
Chase grew up on his family’s East Tennessee farm, where they bred and raised Tennessee Walkers. The Tiptons showed the horses, earning ribbons and championships, and enjoyed exploring trails that crisscrossed the Great Smoky Mountains with them. Chase went on to work at a variety of barns, breaking in colts and helping to tune up […]
Question: I have a 5-year-old Mustang mare that was unhandled until last fall when I got her. We are working on the Fundamentals. Things were going great in the roundpen, so I decided to start lunging on the lunge line outside of the roundpen in my unfenced arena. The problem I’m having is the mare […]
Do you have a better partnership with your horse because of the Method? Accomplished a milestone putting Clinton’s training to work? We want to share your successes and feature you and your horse on our media platforms! Here’s how it works: Record a short voice memo on your mobile device telling us why you believe […]
It’s impossible to train a horse without forward movement. “Having a horse that doesn’t move forward would be like if I handed you the keys to a brand new BMW with no gas pedal—other than being pretty to look at, it’d be useless to you,” Clinton says. “I like to compare the basics of training […]
Ten years ago, Ken reconnected with his childhood love of horses. “I had a few horses growing up and into my young adult years, but when my wife and I started having children, raising our family became my focus,” Ken explains. When he was ready to get back into horses, Ken contacted a friend in […]
Q: I’m ready to start riding my horse. Should I use a bit to begin with or do you recommend I use a hackamore? – Kathy C. A: I like to ride all of my colts in a hackamore during their first 10 to 15 rides because it gives them a chance to learn how […]
Katie was in the saddle by the time she was 5 and began taking jumping lessons when she was 6. The spunky cowgirl went on to compete in barrel racing and was on her high school rodeo team. After school, she competed in amateur rodeo, running barrels and poles and doing breakaway roping. She got […]